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*SPOILER WARNING!* Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

saw it friday, just wow. the semblance between palpatine telling anikin what he must do after mace dies and hitler is scary. Also the rise of palpatine and fall of the republic looked like ceasar 8)
Keep the references to religious figures out of the discussion of Star Wars....
The evolution of personal, ships and vehicles was in all 3 which I enjoyed seeing.  This movie is bad ass.  I think it could have been another 30 min to give Anikin more time to move to the dark side and add more to the fight scenes between Ben and Vader and Yoda and the Emperor.

Lucas also originally said he wasn't going to make Ep 1-3 or release Ep  4-6 on DVD (then abruptly changed his mind).  Unfortunately those who didn't see the original first won't realize all the hoppla when Vadar tell Luke that he is his father or that Luke isn't the last hope and that he has a sister.
Can anybody tell me what Padme said in her last words to Obiwan.  I watched it on Thursday but I couldn't quite make it out.  It's been bugging me ever since.
Kyle Burrows said:
Let us compare.


Look at the far left.


I think they look similar...

Look, punk, pull that crap again and your testicles will look just as dessicated and shelfworn as photo number one.  And you can only dream about looking as good as photo number two!!!!  ;D
nawk said:
Can anybody tell me what Padme said in her last words to Obiwan.   I watched it on Thursday but I couldn't quite make it out.   It's been bugging me ever since.

"There's still good in him, I know there is"

not the exact words, but pretty close.
48Highlander said:
"There's still good in him, I know there is"

I wonder if that is true - rumour is that there is going to be a sequel.  Is this true, will there be an Episode IV?

Episode IV = A New Hope (if you weren't being sarcastic Infanteer!  8) )

Although I have to say I would love to see an Episode III.5 !! ha ha especially after Yoda told Obi Wan that he would meet w/ his old master Gon Jinn in the desert of Tatooine (sp?) for new lessons in the Force!

Excellent movie though...saw it today w/ the kids.

Infanteer..re your warning about scary bits for younger kids...the only part the wee one hid at was when Anikin was burning...apart from that he was the loudest one in the movies, especially in all the fight scenes (I quote) "Oh yeah!!!" or "Ouch! That's going to hurt in the morning!".  ;D

Did anyone else feel a flicker of sadness when leaving the theater?  It seems strange to me that it's finally over.
Chewy said:
saw it friday, just wow. the semblance between palpatine telling anikin what he must do after mace dies and hitler is scary. Also the rise of palpatine and fall of the republic looked like ceasar 8)
Infanteer said:
Keep the references to religious figures out of the discussion of Star Wars....
Michael Dorosh said:
Look, punk, pull that crap again and your testicles will look just as dessicated and shelfworn as photo number one.   And you can only dream about looking as good as photo number two!!!!   ;D

Hmm, something is amiss here. (Some one kick Darth Sidious,Emporer [read Mr. Dorosh, Moderator] off his high seat ;D :P ;D)

And Burrows, didn't your mother tell you not be be jealous of other people? :P ;D
48Highlander said:
"There's still good in him, I know there is"

not the exact words, but pretty close.

Thank you.  I guess a little foreshadowing for Return of the Jedi when Luke Skywalker is convinced that their is still good in Darth Vader.
That movie ruled. The end.

Save one part, when vader goes "Noooo!" ... weak.Cliche.

The rest of the movie was excellent.
The battle at the end was amazing.Vader is the man.
I saw it the other day and I must say that this one made up for the last 2 which were pretty poor IMHO.  I liked that Lucas made this one darker and more serious as compared to Eps 1 and 2 which seemed more like Disney movies then anything else. 

I thought Hayden Christensen also made up for alot in this one, he was totally convincing in his performance and for lack of better words he just gave me this kind of dark and sombre feeling whenever I saw him with the dark cloak on and that sinister expression on his face (you know, with his eyes in a kind of evil semi squint).  The whole look and feel they gave him was bang on.  Dare I say it, I actually felt a pang of sorrow for him in the movie, espcially at the end when you see him lying there, limbless and screaming out in pain...that was a pretty powerful scene with him and Obi Wan...wow...I don't know, but did anyone else kind of feel sorry for him.  I felt that in a way he was kind of cheated by both the Emperor and the Jedi, who kept treating him like their little servant or something...in the end it seemed to me that Anakin Skywalker became the victim of everyone's greed...including his own...

Ewen MacGregor was also great I thought.  He's an awesome actor.

After watching all three movies the only thing that really dissapointed me was that I thought the lovey dovey romance scenes were a bit too cheesy.  I just don't think Lucas has a talent for scripting those kind of scenes and it really showed in the movies.  My buddy and I were puking at all the corny lines and love scenes between Christensen and Portman.  To me it just seemed almost too forced (No pun intended) and it did not do those 2 good actors any justice, you could almost tell it was not natural or something.  "Oh Annie, Just hold me like you did on the lakeside in Naboo..." (Ummmm...vomit...)  To me the love between Skywalker and Amadala was not convincing because it was overdone...and that took alot away from the movies I thought (Including this one).  At leas they kept it to a minimum in this one...but in Episode 2 I thought there was way too much cheesy romance stuff...

But other than that...awesome stuff eh.  Honorable mentions to Samuel Jackson, Ian McDiarmid (talented and underated I think), and even Jimmy Smits...I liked his character...
jmackenzie_15 said:
That movie ruled. The end.

Save one part, when vader goes "Noooo!" ... weak.Cliche.

Ha ha, I thought so too...didn't ruin it though...

I saw it last night and got home and put Star Wars in the DVD player. There are so many points of reference watching the original trilogy now that the story has come full circle. Tonight I'll be watching The Empire Strikes Back again for the first time!
I have to disagree, I thought the love scenes were good, even though a bit cheesy. They were also necessasary becuase remember, anakin only goes to the dark side to save padme.

Spealing of going to the dark side though, I thought hiw whole transition from the jedi to the dark side happened way too fast. Hes been a Jedi all his life and then out of nowhere hes murdering like 15 youngling jedi apprentice children?

One part I liked though was how Anakin has dreams of padme dying during child birth, so as a result he turns to the dark side to save her, but yet it is this turning to the dark side that actually ends up killing padme.
Can anybody tell me what Padme said in her last words to Obiwan.  I watched it on Thursday but I couldn't quite make it out.  It's been bugging me ever since

"There is still good in him, I know there is...."  is correct - I read the script online somewhere because I was wondering the same thing.

I give it an 8.5/10 - here are my reasons

1)  Acting was still sub-par - even though Ani's look was good - ragged, transitioning to evil - his dialogue was horrible.  I thought the best performance came from Palpatine.
2)  Too Too Too much CGI - One of my big turnoffs of the new trilogy vs the old ones is the lack of built sets or props - every damn thing is CG - even the clone soldiers during fight scenes (again, read this online).  Come on Lucas, hire some extres and give them costumes.  You did it before, do it again..... There's no substance to what I'm watching if I know everything was done in front of a green screen.
3)  This was supposed to be a darker movie, and I agree, it was, the last 1/2 of it anyway - probably from Order #66 and onward.  The rest was still geared towards kids.  I mean, the whole chase scene between the Droid General and Obiwan on that screeching lizard dragon thing - come on.  Throw him on something cooler, like a speeder bike.
4)  The 1/2 "undark" half was very campy - cheezy lines - cheezy action - sorta like EP I & II all over again.

and now my good points

4)  I loved the last 15 minutes - very moving, given I saw the original EP IV in theatres.
5)  I loved the tie-ins to the old movies - how all the ships were getting closer to the look of the old films - quasi x wings, quasi tie fighters, imperial shuttles, star destroyers etc.....
6)  cool cameos of new "old" characters - Capt Antilles, Govenor Tark (something like that, anyways, the old, skinny slick haired Vader right hand man guy from A new hope)

A few questions arising that some could maybe answer

1) I always wondered how the emperor got all wrinkled and old looking - EP III sorta answered my question - that he used so much Dark Force energy to block the lightsabre attack that it scarred him.  He then looks exhausted and says he can't take anymore, prompting Anikin's actions.  But then he's got energy back....was he bluffing?  faking?  to make Ani make his move?  If he was just bluffing, then why DID he get deformed?  Also, Count Doku used quite a  bit of these lightning hands in EP II, but he never got scarred - so what's up?

2)  For those who don't know, the DVD's of EP IV, V, and VI are actually Special Special Editions - changes have been made even further since the re-release of the Special Editions in theatres - for instance, Hadyn Christiansan is now at the end of Return of the Jedi, when the 3 ghost Jedis appear at the Ewok final party.  Also, dying Anikin's eyebrows are now gone when Luke unmasks him, they were there before and have been CG'd out.  In Empire Strikes back, Darth Vader consults with a hologramed Emperor Palpatine in his chamber.  In the old movie, the emperor was played by an old wrinkled lady.  Now, the actor who plays Senetor Palpatine in the new films is edited in.  However, in my opinion, the unmistakable voice of the emperor remains the same.  Does anyone know if the actor in the new films provided the voice in the old films?  and did he play the emperor in Return of the Jedi? or was it a different guy?
short final said:
Govenor Tark (something like that, anyways, the old, skinny slick haired Vader right hand man guy from A new hope)

Grand Moff Tarkin - he was the Commander of the Death Star.

1) I always wondered how the emperor got all wrinkled and old looking - EP III sorta answered my question - that he used so much Dark Force energy to block the lightsabre attack that it scarred him.   He then looks exhausted and says he can't take anymore, prompting Anikin's actions.   But then he's got energy back....was he bluffing?   faking?   to make Ani make his move?   If he was just bluffing, then why DID he get deformed?   Also, Count Doku used quite a   bit of these lightning hands in EP II, but he never got scarred - so what's up?

He got scarred because Mace Windu was deflecting the energy back at him with his lightsaber.   He was playing possum until Anakin struck Mace Windu in order to complete the trap (deceiving Anakin of a Jedi plot against Palpatine).

2)   For those who don't know, the DVD's of EP IV, V, and VI are actually Special Special Editions - changes have been made even further since the re-release of the Special Editions in theatres - for instance, Hadyn Christiansan is now at the end of Return of the Jedi, when the 3 ghost Jedis appear at the Ewok final party.   Also, dying Anikin's eyebrows are now gone when Luke unmasks him, they were there before and have been CG'd out.   In Empire Strikes back, Darth Vader consults with a hologramed Emperor Palpatine in his chamber.   In the old movie, the emperor was played by an old wrinkled lady.   Now, the actor who plays Senetor Palpatine in the new films is edited in.   However, in my opinion, the unmistakable voice of the emperor remains the same.   Does anyone know if the actor in the new films provided the voice in the old films?   and did he play the emperor in Return of the Jedi? or was it a different guy?

Don't know about that, you could check the credits I guess.   Although it may smack of revisionism, I like the fact that they've edited the movies for the sake of continuity, it will help when future fans watch the Epic in order and make the story one grand adventure.   Now, if only they could get rid of that Luke-Leia kiss in Episode V....   :-X
The guy who played the emperor in return of the jedi is the same guy who is in the new movies (ian mcdiarmid) - apparently he was a lot younger than he looked when he played the "old" man in the original  ;)
Just got back, thought it was a great movie. The main thing that did it for me was the Wookie army. Woo, Chewbacca was sweet to begin with, but an army of giant hairy people! That was beautiful.