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Supporting our Wounded Soldiers - Discussion of Various Funds Available

Greetings all

Just as an update the fund is coming along well with approx $28K donated (plus x400 high end razors from Shick) by Canadians coast to coast. We will very soon be incorporated (as my Ottawa source tells me) and will get on with the Charatable tax issue. Once incorporated we can start downloading the program. That being said I sent $6K to Germany for the Padres slush fund. We are getting a great deal of local media interest incl the CBC Journal more to follow as this will give us National profile for a National issue. As with any fundraising the media is a real force multiplier. We are closer to our "Black Tie event as we have a number of Corporate sponsors on board incl a $100K backyard giveaway with inground pool. For you folks here in Upper Canada keep an eye out for this event as it will be an evening of star studded entertainment great prizes all for a great cause.

If any of you guys know any media types put them in contact with me so I can get this puppy off the ground nationally. This really is a great story with lots of human interest etc. In addition if you know any good folks out there who are looking to assist and make a real difference with their donations put them in contact with me. Also I could use an assist with blankets that's right blankets ideally HBC ones (anybody works at HBC?). Bottom line here folks is the more I can get donated the less I have to spend on the WW Packs and the more I can spend on other programs within the fund. I am determined to spend as little as possible on "Adm".

Finally if you know of any wounded in your area please visit them. Just pop in and say hello they will really appreciate it. I am finding that as time goes on and these folks are no longer the flavour of the day people forget. I ask you folks out there to make an effort and visit these Canadian heroes.
Well done - I've posted some details on part of my web page dealing with how to help injured troops:

Donation, inbound.
Greetings all

I trust everyone had a great holiday. Well the new improved web site is up and running kicked up several notches from the old one with more to follow incl paypal etc. Please check it out www.woundedwarriors.ca and if you like what we are doing I ask you give it widest possible distribution. Great news we have a really neat fundraiser coming up this weekend 5,6,7 Jan 06 at the North American International Motorcycle Supershow in Toronto www.supershowevents.com

We will raffle off a canvass tribute to the CF and what we do ($10.00 per ticket or 3 for $25.00). it really is quite stunning with a motorcycle theme called Red Fridays Thunder. Marc Lacourciere at Motorgraphics www.motormarcart.ca has really created a labour of love. While I would like to show it now I cannot until after the Friday release I will post it after that. (once I figure out how to post an image). Suffice to say I am very proud of the work he has done.  Rest assured he has done the CF a huge service with this most fitting tribute. Indeed the work has incorporated into it some sand from theatre (found in Sapper McTeagues kit) and his bayonet engraved fixed to the frame. In addition Marc will be inviting Canadians to interact with the work by placing a thumbprint (in red ink) on the frame............................ really cool. I know I will be buying a ticket. Naturally prints will be available more to follow...........................

If you are in the area drop by and say hello

Finally and most important Sapper Mike Mcteague has asked me to thank all at ARMY.CA for their kind support and prayers. I think he has turned a corner and has starting walking albeit in small amounts but walking none the less.

Captain J
Greetings all

The fundraiser was a unmitigated success at North American International Motorcycle Supershow in Toronto we raised over $5K and had some great media coverage. In point of fact CBC Newsworld was by and interviewed the artist of "Red Fridays Thunder" it will be on this Thursday. They also have done a couple of other interviews incl myself and Sapper McTeague. Should be a good piece as this cause truly resonates with Canadians.

We raised the funds by raffling off a limited edition artists proof print of "Red Fridays Thunder". The painting blew me away my friends and as soon as I figure out how to get an image on ARMY.CA I will post it. Failing that it will be up within a few days on our new kicked up web site www.woundedwarriors.ca This painting is a real gem that is a great tribute to the CF. Marc Lacourciere at Motorgraphics www.motormarcart.ca has done us proud. The artist proofs x150 units will sell for $1400.00 (that's right $1400.00) and he gets it as his work is the very best. I spoke to Marc about creating a print that we mortals could afford this is in the works as we speak. Again like the artists proofs the proceeds from the prints will go to the fund.
Marc is recognized as one of the top moptor artist in the field. his credits include official licenced artist to the following; Discovery Channel, American Thunder, NASCAR, American Chopper, just to name but a few.

The painting is truly unique as it has incorporated into it sand from the "sandbox" that's right it actually came out of Sapper McTeagues kit when his UAB arrived from Afghanistan. In addition it has a bayonet mounted and what was really cool everyone who purchased a ticket put a thumbprint on the border.

As we all know there are many in the CF past and present who are motorcyclists and it was great to see old friends and meet new ones. In addition to raising some cash for the fund we also made some great contacts who want to help. I met with a prominent Chopper Builder who wants to build a bike in honour of the wounded in CADPAT with all procedes going to the fund more to follow. Imagine a bike with a CF theme have we come a long way or what...........

Captain J

This Thursday the CBC will show a story about the Sapper Mike McTeague Wounded Warrior Fund. www.woundedwarriors.ca  The fund has come a long way from being founded in mid Oct to now. In less than 3 months what started out as a grass roots fund to help the Padre in Germany with a slush fund has grown into a cause Canadians truly resonate to. We have had great help from media in particular Joe Warmington of the Toronto Sun as well as the National Post and numerous local papers and TV stations. Along the way we had a few plugs from Don Cherry and yes ARMY.CA helped us out. Special thanks to Mrs Franklin who got the ball rolling with the CBC. In addition a big thank you to everyone at ARMY.CA who had faith and took an interest in what we are doing.  I think we have finally turned a corner by going national. I pray and hope that national coverage will be a force multiplier and raise awareness of the plight of our brave wounded while at the same time raise funds in a large way. I think we will need the funds as I fear we are in for a busy summer.  What truly amazes me is the letters people send in with their cheques. Here is the latest that arrived today.

...Because Don Cherry said so!
...Because my father-in-law was in the RCAF during the WW II, flying Hurricanes in Egypt and Typhoons in France.
...Because his brother, a tail gunner in a Wellington, was lost in action over the North Sea.
...Because my parents were under German occupation from 1940-1945, and were thankful for the willingness of Canadians to go to a foreign land in order to rid others of a evil regime.

Wishing you continued strength and courage.

Williams Lake, B.C.

Was quite moved by the article about you in the Sun and your special mission...enclosed is a very modest encouragement to assist in your excellent work. I am reminded of a verse in the Bible: Let us not become weary in well doing. For at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Bless you and Thank you

Mount Albert, Ontario

Look out for us on CBC Thursday and please tell your friends of this most worthy cause in the event you feel it has merit.

Captain J
Captain J,
I know that 2 CMBG is slow to start, but we are getting there.  There are the few of us selling bumper stickers, and there are more trying to get some things organized.  We'll catch up to your area's donations eventually, hopefully!!  Let me know if there is anything we can do to directly support you from up north!
Really, it was Andree Lau from CBC Calgary that got it going national.  If there is anything else that we can help with, please let us know! 
You are too modest. Yes Andree got it going at the CBC but you got it going full stop. Thank you so much. I really think this will be one of those defining moments. Experience has taught me when you get national exposure all of a sudden things start to fall into place. Insofar as help goes newspaper coverage out West would really assit us. There you go you asked after all.

Captain J
I was surfing around at the Fisher House site, and saw the CBC coverage of the Wounded Warrior Fund.  Nice work indeed.
Good Day to all;

Here is an update to where we are at with the Soldier On program; we are now able to utilize national media outlets and will be doing so in the next few weeks. The program is diverse and will provide a wide range of needed resources.
There is talk of building a much needed state of the art facility where CF members would get the much needed high end care after sustaining a serious injury or becoming disabled.
The limits will depend on the amount of money we raise but this will be a sustained year by year effort to make sure the necessary funds are there to help our injured!

Duty With Honour
Soldier On
Sgt Andrew McLean :cdn:

Well done!

Canadian Troops Honoured At Air Canada Centre
City TV news (Toronto), 13 Jan 07
Article Link

An arena of full of cheers was the thanks given to Canadian soldiers that have served in Afghanistan Saturday night.

"We were on patrol in a village in Kandahar and a suicide bomber came up on a bicycle and detonated himself," recalled one such soldier, Mike McTeague.

That was last September while McTeague was serving in Afghanistan. The 20-year-old is confined to a wheelchair because of the attack.

But the roar of a record crowd at the Air Canada Centre during Saturday night's NHL game between the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Vancouver Canucks provided a brief escape from memories of a mission that's claimed the lives of 41 Canadians.

It's been a difficult test for the Canadian military to say the least, and for that reason several of those that served were special guests at the pre-game ceremony.

As part of the event soldiers dropped the ceremonial puck, a particular thrill for one troop.

"It's really neat to be here ... out of the hospital," said McTeague.

As an additional sign of support, the Maple Leafs are also encouraging fans to sign a huge banner that will be sent to the troops in Afghanistan. In fact, it's now two huge banners, since the first filled up so quickly a second's already been started ....

Another article here this morning.

Shared in accordance with the "fair dealing" provisions, Section 29, of the Copyright Act - http://www.cb-cda.gc.ca/info/act-e.html#rid-33409

Toronto Sun, 14 Jan 2007
Night to remember
Hangar hails more than 100 members of Canadian Armed Forces

Not even four months ago a ball bearing went through one side of his neck and out the other.

Last night Sapper Mike McTeague was at the Maple Leafs game at The Hangar with more than 100 of his fellow service men and women from the Canadian Armed Forces.

He's nicknamed the Miracle Kid. The miracles keep on coming. "It is so great to be here," the 19-year-old Orillia native said at the Canadian Forces Appreciation Night.

He's been confined to a hospital bed for months and this was his first major outing. He just had to be there.


It's certainly a long way from broken bones and lacerations and burned skin -- all the result of a suicide bomb blast he took the brunt of Sept. 19 in Afghanistan.

Four of his Canadian brothers and countless Afghan civilians were killed. They were handing out candy to the kids. Mike was representing them all last night. All of the men and women in uniform were representing them.

It was quite a thing because his family was told he would be the fifth Canadian death from that sneak attack from a Taliban sympathizer on a bicycle.

Yes, there was a hockey game last night. But last night was for the troops. "We are very proud of them," said Leafs GM John Ferguson. "It is an honour to have them here."

MLSE president Richard Peddie said the Maple Leafs really wanted to do something special for the troops.

The Air Canada Centre never felt safer. There were soldiers, sailors and airmen everywhere. Fans, who will not soon forget seeing those soldiers rappel from the top of the ACC, got a chance to sign a banner for the troops overseas and most importantly the fans got a chance to show their appreciation.

They didn't disappoint. The applause was deafening. "It really means a lot," said Cpl. Denver Williams, who was also wounded in that blast.

Denver was on crutches. He says there will be a day where he can discard them. McTeague was in a wheelchair. His plan is to throw it away, too.

You see men like this and others like Cpl. Jessie Melnyk, who lost an eye in an ambush, and it reminds us that not only are we as a country at war but we as a country have courageous people willing to go.

We always have. A plaque on the wall at the ACC shows dozens of Maple Leafs who served in WWII, including many in Major Conn Smythe's 30th Battery. But last night was about today's soldiers. "To the troops, we thank you and we salute you," said PA announcer Andy Frost.

Some of the troops in the gondola had tears in their eyes as the crowd just kept cheering as Pte. Scott Newlands was getting ready to sing O Canada.

Lieut. Steve Jones summed it up best: "I know I am going to go home to my warm bed tonight. But there are fellow Canadians right now trying to get a nap on a cot in the desert of Afghanistan."

Canadians like a miracle kid named McTeague who never really know when the next surprise bomb will blast.

Thanks guys

It was a real thrill for Mike to be at the game as he is a die hard Leafs fan. In fact other than his Laptop all he wanted was his Leafs blanket out of his UAB kit go figure...................................... The VCDS was really a Prince with Mike as he last saw him some time ago when it wasn't looking so good. Indeed all the media were very good to him being kind and truly sensitive in their approach. It seems we were bumped by the CBC last Thursday. I am told we will be on today Sunday 14 Jan look  out for it tonight. By the way can anyone help me as I want to put an image up really cool painting "Red Fridays Thunder". I am an old guy who is recently coming to grips with computers. My idea of a blackberry is a FMP ha ha ha.........................

If any of you guys have buds in the media push them my way as we really will need some follow up after the CBC story to keep the fund going so we are ready in the spring................................

Just caught the video bite on the news, the whole 30 seconds brought a swell to my heart and left a lump in my throat. 
Safe travels and fast healing to our wounded lads.

:army:                        :cdn:
Jimmy and captain j have indicated that their efforts were: "This fund is used for the soldiers who may want to watch TV, but need to pay 300 dollars a month to rent. or listen to music or need the internet. Also it will provide familes with gas money, parking fees, and possibly transportation services."

The new CANFORGEN has some teeth and covers many of the issues mentioned above.  CFPSA has been tasked to loosen their purse strings and give the COs a chance to put the care back in "Caring for the Injured."  I applaud your efforts and the pressure your campaign (and others) has put on the adults to respond. 

Perhaps you will have to rethink your mission which the website indicates is "supports Canadian service persons wounded on operations, at the outset of the healing process. The fund aims to improve the general morale and welfare of the soldiers and their families by working through first-line caregivers, medical staff, chaplain's and Assisting Officers." 

Edit:  Perhaps the goal for a $20K donation to The Fisher House Endowment Fund will be more easily identified as your primary objective.
I am well aware of the CANFORGEN as I was asked to comment on the DRAFT. That being said I do not think it is unfair to say that CFPSA has failed in the past to deliver programs (MFRC's etc). I truly hope on this one they will get it right. That being said I think it is fair to say that even if they do they have not covered off what happens when a troop arrives in Germany when they really need the help. The CANFORGEN focuses on arrival in Canada. We strongly believe that the program should kick in at the outset of the healing process aka Germany. The CANFORGEN talks about DVD rentals and DVD loaners etc. I ask how is a troop going to rent DVD's in hospital when in the ICU. They better have a AO on the ball. Indeed the idea of loaner DVD's isn't a good one as these troops have serious infections for the most part. CFPSA needs to look at giving them the kit outright to avoid cross contamination in point of fact I have discussed this issue with them (oh oh back to the drawing board) . I thank you for your comment  "I applaud your efforts and the pressure your campaign (and others) has put on the adults to respond". However I cannot help but think the CANFORGEN has been cobbled to gather in haste in response to media pressure and the work of this fund in bringing awareness. I know a cut and paste when I see one (cut and pasted from our original DRAFT) We are in a wait and see posture on this issue. In the event CFPSA delivers the goods great, we will augment their efforts with those special extras like a DVD/CD library, blankets, Team Canada Jerseys etc,  so the wounded do not have to "rent" and return. In addition this will allow us to focus our efforts on assisting families with expenses like parking (that really adds up). Sadly the system only allows for x15 days support to the family x30 with Doctors recommendation. I think we all agree there is much work to do on this issue and we as a fund will be max flex and step in where needed.

Captain J

The troops and families can always use the support if they find themselves in Germany.  It is quite expensive to be there, and we had an AO that was given money and instructed to file a claim when he got back to Canada.  Just getting things like an appropriate jacket was important when we were there.  It was the coldest January on record.  Who knew?  The fact of the matter is that the Padres need the money in their back pockets that are earmarked for the wounded and their families.  You should try getting a pizza at 10:00 at night when the food offered in the hospital is a grey/green color that no one in their right mind, let alone the healing, should ever have to be expected to eat.  All these little things add up to a big expense at the end of the day. 