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Supporting our Wounded Soldiers - Discussion of Various Funds Available

Here is the link for those interesed, to the Army News print story done on the fund. There should also be in the very near future a video story posted on the Army News site that also deals with the fund .

As soon as it comes out I will post the link.


simysmom99 is so right "The troops and families can always use the support if they find themselves in Germany". The fund has already armed the Padre with a large "slush" fund and he has a 360 degree free fire zone to use as he sees fit to assist the wounded and families and yes this incl pizzia. Simysmom 99 has been there and lived this as have I as a AO in Germany. I suggest unless you have walked a mile in those shoes you might want to re think any position other than these folks need all the help we can give. I am however convinced that the way ahead is to have  "Wounded Warrior" Packs pre positioned in Germany with all the "electronis and entertainment etc ready to go. The CANFORGEN seems only to deal with being returned to Canada.
I have read it and do know a fair bit about this subject the solution is not a  cobbled togather in haste band aid that is being advocated. There are many other issues that need to be dealt with. A example that comes to mind is clothing the US had been giving our people a $100.oo US clothing fund this I am told has stopped. The Padre is in a position to get clothing for our people on a as needed basis. Indeed the Padre also knows when he needs to be topped up we are there no questions asked. This fund is in the yes biz not the fill out a form make a claim biz, trust me by the time that is done it is too late. Simysmom feel free to add comment on this one..........................................

Captain J
Re: the recent CANFORGEN 191/06

In a discussion I had with a CFPSA rep last week, I was informed that the support unit in Germany would ensure that hospitalized troops there would receive their telephones, televisions, internet access, and the (up to) $100 per week in amenities purchasing support through the support unit.
That is good news indeed, now wait out for it to happen ,by the way they already get internet access, TV , and phone cards. however the $100.00 per week to spend is great, the CANFORGEN states the parent unit has to pay up front and will have to claim. It should be interesting how the claims are done by the support unit in Germany. I am sure this will all work out in the end. In any event as I stated this fund will be there to augment CF efforts. I am sure any family will attest there is plenty to augment.  I must confess I have not had the best of luck with ant CFPSA programs nor has my wife. The survey says my wife is far from being alone on this issue.All this being said I really hope they get this one right...................................

Captain J
I know this fund is going to be successful.  When you meet the docs and the padre, all they want to do is help you out.  If that means finding pizza, getting your kid a ridiculously priced gameboy game or finding someone to charge your gameboy (I speak from experience on that one  ;D) they just want to help.  Having a slush fund just gives them more freedom to do as the soldier and their family needs.  And I think, as a wounded soldier, a piece of home is as good as any drug out there.
Indeed the fund is not only about Germany, as I have mentioned when folks are in Canada they only get x15 days support from the CF x30 with a doctors letter. Those parking bills can add up big time. We understood or dare I say had hoped that the system would eventually kick in. We are also in a position to be max flex so we can augment or fill in where the system fails or falls short. I would be remiss if I didn't say it has only taken a few years and a couple of hundred wounded to engage. I await with a renewed optimism for CFPSA to engage...........................

Captain J
"Those parking bills can add up big time."  This issue has been questioned/fought before and lost because no provincial health plan covers parking costs when a family member is in a hospice or hospital.   It is unfortunate when the docs and the Padres are doing the COs and AOs job of taking care of the admin side of the house.  The Padres have always had slush funds perhaps it is time to relook at how deep their pockets are.  The support unit in Germany is supported by CDLS London and NDHQ.

In another thread/forum we were discussing how soldiers are not charity cases when it comes to health care.  I guess in this case we/they are for now.
DND is moving ahead with the Soldier On program. They will annouce in more detail at a later date. Attached you will find the project proposal by the Canadian Paralympic Committe.  This is what the Soldier On program foundation is built on. We will require sustained funds to provide the sporting equipment/protheses to make it successful.

Duty With Honour :salute:
Soldier On
Wouded Warrior

Sgt Andrew McLean :cdn:

I do not look at it as"charity" in any way or form. For example Canadians from all walks of life are sending "care packages" over in droves. In point of fact he CF is stretched beyond capacity and cannot deliver many of the items being sent. Here is the question are all those packages being sent "charity"? They are being sent to soldiers getting tax free money and in theatre benefits etc. Please understand I am not saying all those benefits are a bad thing I am just putting it in perspective. Those packages are not "charity" they come from the heart from Canadians who care and wish to demonstrate that care.The fund is a great way for Canadians to show concrete support in a focused direct manner to those most vulnerable. Indeed you are correct on the issue of parking re health care benefits not covering them off. However many hospitals have funds for civilian patients to help with parking and travailing. All the fund wants to do is step up and help in a similar fashion as our people wouldn't qualify for this assistance from a civilian hospital.

I am not too sure how much/deep or if all Padres have a slush fund. On the issue of "It is unfortunate when the docs and the Padres are doing the COs and AOs job of taking care of the admin side of the house". I can assure you any AO who has been to Germany support the family, it is those who do not have next of kin (aka no AO) etc come over that need the assistance in the worst way. I do not know what to say here but this I have been there seen it first hand. This isn't a case of a AO or CO not doing their job it is a case of young men and women needing help.

I think it is best said as follows;

It's hard to imagine living half a world away from your family. Your main support network consists of the soldiers who are with you 24 hours a day. Add in the stress of continual firefights, roadside bombs, dust deprivation.

And then-you are wounded during an attack

Quickly separated from your buddies, flown to yet another foreign land for medical treatment.

You arrive with just the dusty uniform on your back. Picture yourself in a lonely hospital bed, relying on staff to help you get word to your family. Enduring the unrelieved monotony of a hospital room and medical procedures.

Right about now, could you use a little comfort from Canada?

Another issue the fund has been involved with is advocacy and awareness. In a nutshell it was a member of our board who brought the issue of soldiers losing in theatre benefits to the attention of a M.P. Dan McTeague Pickering East Scarborough. Dan brought the matter up before the house and the result is a change in policy and the wounded will not be short changed on their benefits. Albeit it is under a differant name, this issue is a matter of self esteem vs the money. I am extremely proud of our board member for his courage on this matter as I am thankful to Dan McTeague for standing up to the plate. Before you ask yes Dan is indeed related.

Captain J

I hear you and I support you.  My use of the abbreviation AO was Admin Offr vice Assisting Officer.  AFAIK, Padre have always had slush funds provided for compassionate cases.  IMHO, if the packages were being solicitied, these items would be charity/donations.  If people send soldiers unsolicited items then these items are gifts/care packages from well-wishers.  I still believe in the CF, Army and Regimental family taking care of their own whenever possible.
Gunner 98 I wish it were the case, while it is true the Regt have packages of sports gear etc for the troops what good are sweat pants to a fellow who just lost his legs. Indeed the Reserves units in many cases do not have the coin. Many of the packages sent to the wounded do not even fit ie T Shirts etc. I am convinced these troops need more than a "sis boom ba" from the Regiment. Insofar as the CF looking after them well it has only taken a couple of hundred wounded for a CANFORGEN to come out.  I think it is fair to say a CANFORGEN that wouldn't have seen the light of day without the awareness program conducted. Heck your theory on unsolicited gifts while makes sense check out the CFPSA web site they are soliciting all the time. As a side note on the CF looking after our own. I am fighting a fight re tpt for a wounded chap on weekends to go home vs stay in the hospital. "It is not part of Rehab" BS it is a great deal part of rehab. The mind as you know will help the body. Clearly a Adm O being penny wise and pound foolish. I think we have a lot to learn and a huge curve..............................

Captain J
Excuse me if I am off base here, but if this soldier was an American he would be at Walter Reed being fitted for prosthetics and counseling to help him return to some form of normalcy. I have visited these soldiers on a couple of occaisions and their will is just amazing. Soldiers who have lost limbs one might think would be feeling sorry for themselves or bitter and you dont see that attitude. President Bush even went jogging with a soldier who had lost a limb. Very inspiring. We also have organizations like Wounded Warrior, Soldiers Angels and others. I guess my question is doesnt DND provide for the rehab of soldiers that have lost limbs ?



Although I haven't gone through this myself, I have seen others going through rehab, and the physio and other therapy is very intensive.  The problem is when a member is single or has a very small support group and the only treatment available is far from friends and family.  The military will only cover the cost of R&Q for family for a limited amount of time.  Anyone who has had anyone dealing with burns (for example) knows that recovery can last well over the 30 days that DND will cover.  If the closest and most able burn unit is in Toronto and the member hails from Kapuskasing (Northern Ontario) then he/she might be SOL wrt having family staying during treatment.  Can be a bit of a downer.

If this fund can help a little in covering costs to have a family member come visit a little more often, then all the power to them.

Sapper McTeague has all his limbs and intends to keep them. Go to the web site www.woundedwarriors.ca where you will see a clip done by the CBC with him walking (albeit with a walker). Sadly the CF does not have Walter Reed nor do we have the Fisher House (we do however have nationalized medicine). this isn't a issue of quality of care it is very good indeed. The issue here is helping folks out with the nice to haves just like your programs "Wounded Warrior, Soldiers Angels" provide. We are in point of fact very similar indeed.

Captain J
A couple members of this forum (myself included) have friends who lost limbs on TF 1-06 -- everything they have said is that the CF and the system is doing a bang up job.
  They are getting the best of care and equiptment and have been placed in the environment that they feel is best for their life - for some their home area -- for others not.
As well there are several wounded members of this forum who where repatriated.

I'd prefer to here from the horses mouth - rather than a "interested party" as to how they feel any short falls (if they exist) in the system can be corrected.  For currently I beleive that this WWF is detracting from the focal point of the gov't actions. 

Just My $0.02

Fair enough Infidel-6

Insofar as the "horses mouth" goes I have consulted with a large number of wounded and indeed live it every day as I am a AO to a badly wounded chap so I have a better idea than your average punter. (Been to Germany got the T shirt).  I am not advocating that the medical care is lacking in fact quite the opposite. What is lacking however are the little things in life to help time go by. What is lacking is support to the family's after the 15 days of CF support runs out. Indeed I suggest you read simmysmom99 comments in this thread as she has lived it and is without a doubt a SME from a family members perspective. While I respect your views I couldn't disagree more with you. I do not consider myself an "interested party" as you so put it. I suggest you walk a mile in the shoes of someone who is intimately involved with this and then and only then you can speak with some authority. I am sorry for getting a tad emotional on this one but.................. I live this on a daily basis and take what I do as an AO and this fund serious.

This WWF fund as you put it has caused the Govt to act on two matters as follow;

1. Providing a alternate to overseas danger pay/allowances for the wounded by engaging a MP who brought the matter before the house. In a mere 4 weeks this policy was changed.......................

2. The recent CANFORGEN is a direct result of this fund. Indeed I had a Snr mbr of  CFPSA call me yesterday thanking the fund for our awareness program thus bring it to the attention of the right people so that they could act.

Not too shabby for an "interested party"

By the way what is the focal point of the govt actions?????????????

Captain J
Perhaps its possible for your fund to work with similar charitable organizations like the regimental associations et al ? By the way are you paid for your work on behalf of the Wounded Warriors ?

Fair question the answer is absolutely NO....................... not a thin dime. In fact it is a good thing that my wife is a understanding woman (Otherwise we would need a "Divorce" button) as I spend a fair bit of time doing this and raising funds. I fully appreciate in the US funds of this nature are operated by paid workers etc. This isn't the case nor will be the case. Your comment re Regimental funds is indeed valid and i would welcome any Regimental fund. That being said I think the Regimental funds deliver a very differant program than what we are doing. Currently to the best of my knowledge we are the only fund of our kind in Canada operating on a national scale as we do.

Captain J
Thanks for your response. My reference to other soldier related charities was meant to see if the charities would/could coordinate their efforts for maximum effect.

I hear you but I do not think they would give up control of their programs nor would I do so. i am in the biz of delivering x4 programs and have the max flex in our letters of incorporation to deliver where needed. I am not in the biz of giving the troops sports kit regimental flags as they do. Do not get me wrong good stuff just not what we are in the biz to do. Did you check out the web site www.woundedwarriors.ca if so what do you think?????????

Captain J