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Supporting our Wounded Soldiers - Discussion of Various Funds Available

I personally find it very sad that people can not work together.

So much more could be accomplished, on behalf of the injured soldier...and that's what it's supposed to be about.

Perhaps we need a new board:

"Support for injured soldiers."

We could include individual threads on all the excellent and valued support out there for our soldiers, for example the excellent Regimental Funds of the PPCLI the The Royal Canadian Regiment. Flags, for example are an excellent morale booster for injured members of the particular Regiment in question. Regimental packages are not only given to members of that particluar Regiment either; they are compiled by The Regiments and are delivered to the injured, regardless of Unit, sex, trade.

This is a forum about soldiers, for soldiers, and by soldiers. I really don't like seeing allusions that one fund is better than the other. They all have their purpose, and they are all well-meaning.

Fantastic idea Librarian. :)
Captainj I found your web site to be quite professional and I wish you luck on your worthy project.
The Librarian said:
I personally find it very sad that people can not work together.

So much more could be accomplished, on behalf of the injured soldier...and that's what it's supposed to be about.

Perhaps we need a new board:

"Support for injured soldiers."

We could include individual threads on all the excellent and valued support out there for our soldiers, for example the excellent Regimental Funds of the PPCLI the The Royal Canadian Regiment. Flags, for example are an excellent morale booster for injured members of the particular Regiment in question. Regimental packages are not only given to members of that particluar Regiment either; they are compiled by The Regiments and are delivered to the injured, regardless of Unit, sex, trade.

This is a forum about soldiers, for soldiers, and by soldiers. I really don't like seeing allusions that one fund is better than the other. They all have their purpose, and they are all well-meaning.

Bang on!

If the Mods (hint, hint Librarian) merged this thread with the nearby RCR Hospital Packs thread and the earlier PPCLI hospital packs thread we could follow the evolution of "Support for injured soldiers" and, maybe, put some perspective on the 'problem' and the solutions.

Also, given the success these initiatives are enjoying, they probably need not be 'stickies.'

I hope you do not think I am suggesting that one fund is better than the other. Just as the PPCLI and the RCR have dufferant funds/support for mbrs of their respective Battle Groups the Wounded Warriors fund is there to support all CF mbrs Reg and Res no matter what trade and or element. Indeed it appears the CFPSA is coming on side. I think it is fair to say that the Regimental funds and the Wounded Warrior Fund are there to augment whatever assistance is provided by the CF. I would further suggest that these great Regiments would would want to retain control of their respective funds than give control to say for example CFPSA. At the end of the day I think we can all agree that the wounded need all the help they can get. As in the US there are a number of orgs that are helping out. I really do not think this is a case of people not wanting to work with one another but rather one of differant programs. Having said that this fund would welcome communications from any Regimental/Corps fund or org Reg or PRes to explore ways to assist the wounded.

Edward Campbell

I hear you re . "stickies", I ask you to understand yes I get a bit pedantic when someone makes a post that isn't particularly accurate and is in fact negative to the cause of assisting the wounded. I live this day to day

Captain J

captainj said:
I hear you re . "stickies", I ask you to understand yes I get a bit pedantic when someone makes a post that isn't particularly accurate and is in fact negative to the cause of assisting the wounded. I live this day to day

Captain J

Captj, I have no problems with your fund and I guarantee that I fully support all of our wounded.

Your sentence above disturbs me. Perhaps you may wish to re-visit some of your posts, some of which seem to be written in a manner that does make light of the other excellent on-going programs; and that is why I made the point that I did.

Surely, I can't be the only one to have noticed that? My post was made to emphasize the fact that your fund is not the only fund out there, and that they are all worthy of recognition and promotion.


Hell, I think its great idea Captain J.

I would like to see your organization listed as a charity which I could donate through from my pay roll deduction. (United Way)

I do not know all the legal (ize) of doing this or if its possible, so this is a unresearched recommendation before the all lower deck lawyers  leap on this post.

Hfx Crow,

You can donate via Government of Canada Workplace Charity Campaign (GCWCC) Payroll Deductions to any Canadian registered charity.

All you need for your payroll deduction paperwork is the Charity Registration Number.



Here's the link to search for the Charitable Organization Registration number for anybody interested in donating to a specific group that your will have to provide:



Will the Wounded Warrior Fund be applying for Charitable Organization status for deduction purposes? If so, can you post the Registration number once it is approved?

captainj said:
Gunner98 I do not look at it as"charity" in any way or form.
Captain J

Librarian:  captainj told us it was not a charity!
Make it one (charity) and I am sure that the United Way (GCWCC) Canvasser's will have a easy go of signing military people up each year.

It would truly give back to the military community with tangible results and I know that my section and shipmates would be the first to sign up.

Boy oh boy guys....................................

I will attempt to make myself clear On the subj of "charity" yes we are in the process of incorporation and yes we will seek charitable tax status and yes one will be able to soon make a donation via paypal. All that being said funds such as this one and the Regimental funds clearly resonate with Canadians as an effective way to show their support to their troops.  Canadians are doing this from the bottom of their hearts and a tax receipt is at the bottom of the list as a motivator. As Gunner98 pointed out I do not view this as "charity" rather this is the right thing for Canadians to do. Canadians are doing this everyday sending packages over to the troops. I suppose one could think of that as charity. I prefer to think of it as Canadians showing their support. All I am saying is that by supporting a fund (any fund) that assists the wounded is a great way to show support to those who have gave all.


I fully agree that there are other great funds etc out there doing great work. This fund however has differant goals than Regimental funds not better just differant. At the end of the day folks have a choice as to what cause to support. I would suggest they are all worthy and have a place in helping in the healing process.I ask that you go to the web site to see the goals of the fund www.woundedwarriors.ca I think you will agree we have a somewhat differant focus than Regimental funds not better just differant.......................

Captain J
"yes we are in the process of incorporation and yes we will seek charitable tax status"

I look fwd to seeing you guys on the GCWCC list next year for payroll deduction.

Remember that an organization may be eligible to issue a tax receipt for donations for the year in which they applied and were granted their Charitable Tax status.  So even if Capt J's org cannot issue a receipt right now, upon successful completion of their Letters of Patent and Charitable Tax Number application they will be able to reach back to Jan 01/07 to issue receipts. 
niner domestic

You are so right on that one. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to work through the minefield of bureaucracy. I am told by Ottawa we are good to go re Incorporation awaiting confirmation via letter. Next step Rev Can. The good news is I have a chap inside who will "fasttrack" it but I am sure it will be a few months.

Captain J
captainj said:
Boy oh boy guys....................................

I will attempt to make myself clear On the subj of "charity" yes we are in the process of incorporation and yes we will seek charitable tax status and yes one will be able to soon make a donation via paypal. All that being said funds such as this one and the Regimental funds clearly resonate with Canadians as an effective way to show their support to their troops.  Canadians are doing this from the bottom of their hearts and a tax receipt is at the bottom of the list as a motivator. As Gunner98 pointed out I do not view this as "charity" rather this is the right thing for Canadians to do. Canadians are doing this everyday sending packages over to the troops. I suppose one could think of that as charity. I prefer to think of it as Canadians showing their support. All I am saying is that by supporting a fund (any fund) that assists the wounded is a great way to show support to those who have gave all.


I fully agree that there are other great funds etc out there doing great work. This fund however has differant goals than Regimental funds not better just differant. At the end of the day folks have a choice as to what cause to support. I would suggest they are all worthy and have a place in helping in the healing process.I ask that you go to the web site to see the goals of the fund www.woundedwarriors.ca I think you will agree we have a somewhat differant focus than Regimental funds not better just differant.......................

Captain J

Captain J,

I find your goal to be commendable, however I would like to make a few comments.

Please understand that this website consists of people who's welfare, you are stating, you would like to look after.  The Soldiers who serve Canada.  Some of us have been wounded, or have been in situation where we would  be able to offer advice.

Unfortunately, I feel as if you are getting your back up against the wall, and not hearing out some of the advice given.

I apologise if I am misinterpreting your intent, or how you are conveying that.  The internet has a funny way of doing that.  I feel your description as this is different may cause some people to wonder of your intent.



Seen, I would gladly listen your advice on this issue. I would be remiss if I didn't state that I have indeed spoke to many wounded chaps on this issue. Please feel free to contact me as I am easy to get ahold of via my web site. If you do not know who I am, Bud, Bill or Mac will point you in my direction.  I would be less than honest if I didn't say I have been a tad testy for the past few days fighting the system to get my wounded chap some support the system should provide. Sadly money is the root of a lot of poor decisions. I apologise if I have come across as if my back is against the wall. Frankly it is hard not to get emotional in this biz as an AO.

Captain J 

There are numerous organizations now involved with the support for our wounded.  Most Regimental Organizations, Associations or Guilds are now becoming involved with alleviating the extra stresses placed on our wounded and their families.  Please review them all and decide which will best suit your wishes.
Thanks, Moderators, for merging these threads so that we can see where captainj and his programme fit into the larger scheme of things.

This http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/42827/post-474075.html#msg474075 from RHFC_piper is, for me, the key: a wounded soldier telling us what he needed.  That specific need, it appears to me, has been and is being admirably met by The RCR, PPCLI and, I assume, the R22eR Associations.  (Caveat lector: I’m a member of one of those Associations and I anted up for a hospital pack.)

It also appears to me that the CF is meeting the immediate needs of families by getting them to and back from Germany, with an Assisting Officer, to comfort their wounded kin.

There is, I guess, an unfilled need for more support back in Canada.  I’m guessing that the circumstances vary with each wounded soldier.  It might be more complex in the case of some reservists from small towns who (and whose families) lack the resources available to regular members of the big, permanent force, regimental families.  I suppose DVD players and Hudson’s Bay blankets might be higher up on their priority lists.  I cannot help but wonder if captainj and his fund are not trying to duplicate some of the work already done by the Regimental Associations and, perhaps, failing to exploit the resources of the other regular and, especially, reserve regimental and branch associations.  I’m guessing that a wounded member of the Royal Highland Fusiliers of Canada might have appreciated a RHFC sweatshirt as much as a Team Canada jersey and a generic Army baseball cap and I’m also guessing that the urgency of providing a follow up to the existing hospital packs would allow some time for a bit of customization to suit each soldier’s specific needs and wants.

Anyway, one and all: Thanks for what you have done, are doing and are planning to do.

Edits: typo (... specific need, it appears to me, has been ...) and spelling error (... needs of families by getting them to and back from ...)
Edward Campbell

I respect what you are saying however if you look at the web site www.woundedwarriors.ca you will see that other than the issue of Regimental T Shirts etc you will see Sir that this fund is fundamentally differant in its goals. I too have in the past contributed to Regimental funds for the wounded. Yes they are doing a good job at what they are intended to do.

I have no doubt that RHFC_pipers need were met. However while I am not sure how long he spent in hospital we have some who are there for a great deal of time. I assure you that I have along with others spoke to chaps currently in hospital and assessed their needs. The brave soldier I am AO to has been in hospital since 18 Sept.  I can only assume the folks in Pet for example have a good support network and are indeed close to home. This always isn't the case and these folks need help beyond what any Regimental fund could assist with.

Insofar as
"I cannot help but wonder if captainj and his fund are not trying to duplicate some of the work already done by the Regimental Associations and, perhaps, failing to exploit the resources of the other regular and, especially, reserve regimental and branch associations".

I do not think this is the case the Wounded Warrior Fund is looking more long term with our 4 programs. Perhaps however you might be right and I should leave the T Shirts etc up to the Regimental system (I mean that I am not being funny). As you can I am sure appreciate this biz is a learning curve for everyone incl the CF.  I can assure you re Reserve units and fund that this isn't the case. While it is true some are a tad wealthy many are poor as church mice.

"It also appears to me that the CF is meeting the immediate needs of families by getting them to and back from Germany, with an Assisting Officer, to comfort their wounded kin".

I cannot agree with this. Yes... if a troop is out of hospital within 15 days all is well as the system only supports the family for that amount of time. The longer term wounded and the families have some real support issues and added stress. In addition very few families go to Germany in fact going to Germany isn't the best news for a family. Basically a family goes to Germany in the event of "life threatening" injury's. Believe it or not there is a chart that G1 uses to determine who,what, and why if they go to Germany along with a Doctors recommendation.

"I’m guessing that the circumstances vary with each wounded soldier.  It might be more complex in the case of some reservists from small towns who (and whose families) lack the resources available to regular members of the big, permanent force, regimental families".

You are so right here each soldier has unique needs. Re Reservists from small towns I am sure you are right, sadly it is also the case in the GTA. In a nutshell other than places with a large CF presence there are issue. Believe it or not for example in Toronto you have a hard time getting a DND prescription filled at other than a few pharmacies I am told this is the case in other urban areas without a large CF presence. You can imagine more complex support is like moving mountains

I would really love to speak to you re this issue as I can see you have passion and really care. If you wish I will email you off line and give you my phone number.

Captain J