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The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

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Originally posted by 142Highlander:
[qb] SAC is good, we have laptops now cant really depend on them though they fail once in awhile and i guess its sokay for going on msn during class. Girls yes theyre always on campus =D. Did you go there? I havent decided where i want to go for university im thinking RMC at the moment but that might change. Did you go to school there? [/qb]
LOL my brother is doing the same laptop program, I think its kinda dumb, and the laptops they had to buy were Cr@p.

Nope did not end up going there, but I was looking into it back in grade 6 (around 1995) and I also trained there about 5 hours a day when I was still swimming.

BTW what are tuition fees at SAC now, I remember when i was looking in to it they where way to high.
142Highlander, considering the association between St Andrew‘s College and the 48th Highlanders, I am shocked to hear you‘re even considering joining another regiment! ;)

You do know, of course, that you can still take a jump course if you join another regiment. The 48th have about 5 or 6 jump qual‘d NCMs, and a couple of officers (including the DCO, I believe). Of course, we don‘t give you the flashy maroon beret in the 48th, you are instead blessed with the niftier headwear, the Balmoral and the Glen.
Yech, the Balmoral. One of the less fond memories of my highland days.

Sorry, but nothing looks as good as the maroon beret.

Talk about stylin‘.

I remember when the Yanks, before the "Everybody‘s a Ranger" black beret ridiculous decision, would trade nice Yank kit for a canadian beret. Looked quite "elite" to them.

Now, my original question. Anyone else know much about the QOR? Maybe I‘ll start another thread on this.

If you want to join the infantry, your choices are the 48th Highlanders, the Toronto Scottish Regiment, the Royal Regiment of Canada or the Queen‘s Own Rifles. It‘s true that every unit has jump qualified soldiers, but the QOR is the only unit with a jump company, so if you want your maroon beret, they‘re the ones to join. If you take your jump course in cadets, it still counts in the reserves. A buddy of mine got his wings as a cadet and he went straight into the QOR jump company after his MOC.
Go to www.qor.com they update fairly often (more than our own site www.48highlanders.com). Every Unit can send people on basic para, but after that getting the opportunities to jump are slim. You have to know people in both your unit and the QOR. Not knocking my Unit, but if you are really interested in all the para stuff, go to the QOR, they send people on all the courses (DZ/LZ controller, Military Freefall, Jump Master, Para Instructor, Pathfinder). And I have even seen a few of them sporting white wings.

But I think you should come to us, women love a guy in a kilt ;)
haha thanks man, yah i know women dig guys in kilts, we have to wear them here we march along side you guys, yah i think im probably going with teh 48th considering they are affiliated with us. QOR does sound really cool but i think perhaps tradition of the school should come first as we lost many boys in wwI and wwII.
Don‘t get us wrong, though, 142Highlander. The QOR are a great unit, and they have great staff.

If jumping is really your thing, don‘t languish in a unit you don‘t want to be in.

Yes, you can always switch later, but traditions die hard. I don‘t know many people who have crossed the parade square to switch infantry regimnts (moving to a new armoury/city I can see, or trade even).

However, if you are not too sure about jumping out of airplanes that are in perfect working order and are not on fire, by all means, I would encourage you to come to the 48th. We also march slower, at a nice relaxing pace, as I am sure you are aware. Nothing quite like marching to the pipes & drums.
yah I am considering the 48th cause i could not get my jump wings with the cadets because i plan to join the reserves next year when cadets offer it to 17 year olds. When do you guys train? thursdays? fridays? is it mandatory to attend? i am at boarding school and i often have saturday school
That‘s the Canadian Airborne Regiment, AlphaCharlie. Each infantry regiment still has an airborne company in its Third Battalion.
142 highlander- Dude just join the Tor Scots (Toronto Scottish) they need infantry and i think also have jump stuff available. And hey we are scotts so kilts galore. Any ways if you do take this into consideration and you do live in Toronto just call 416-200-ARMY
142, we train on Fridays, and don‘t believe the Tor Scots, a grey horse blanket is not a kilt. Besides that we are the only Highland regiment in 32 Brigade and we have the most battle honours.
hurray i know i think im probably going with the 48th but is the training on friday nights mandatory i live all the way in aurora in boarding school with school on saturdays sometimes so would i have to show up every friday? what would you guys learn on fridays any examples???
It depends, you have to show up at least once every 30 days to remain on effective strength. As for training it depends, usually lectures on various subjects interspersed with weapons and equipment maintenance. There are also Parade practices and inspections were we get dressed all fancy, march around for an hour or two and then we go get loaded. There is also the Davidson challenge. So it depends.
so if i attended like every friday night which i dont have saturday school usualy every other week would i still be a effective reservist?? Like if i would not miss anything too important right? i can always learn on my own time from manuals right? study on my own time? Drum Major Ressor is always on campus so would he be able to keep me updated?
If you attended every other night you would be fine. There is really no need to study on your own time, or play catch up. I don‘t think WO Reesor would be able to help you as, he as other more pressing things (no offence).
ah i guess things will work out for me then, how often how often do you guys get together on the weekends
Is it seven days a week 24/7. I know the day starts at 5 and ends at 11, but do you get alot, if any, free time to relax or play cards or go into town, if there is a town nearby? I ask this because I am a bit of a compulsive gambler, not that I play for thousands, well only because I dont have thousands, but me and my friends play a round of poker once a week. Is there a rule that would prohibit gambling, drinking or smoking?
Well, to live on the reserve first you‘re going to have to get your ISC (Indian Status Card)...

Sorry, bad joke...

On my reserve BMQ/SQ course we got a lot of time off (it was too slack). There was no alcohol allowed on base and I think gambling was phohibited on base, too, I‘m not sure. People were allowed to smoke during breaks.

You‘ll be getting paid for seven days a week which means you won‘t get all your weekends off, you‘ll get some and if you‘re course collectively ****s up then your weekend will be taken away.