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US Election: 2016

Lightguns said:
And Hillary wins......

Depends. The Barry Bro's could do immeasurable damage by casting write in ballots for Bernie. Might even be enough to cancel out the dead voter advantage the Dems usually have in an election.
tomahawk6 said:
These people dont write their own speeches they have speech writers.

Sure. But all this is highlighting is the lack of depth his campaign seems to have.  Someone should have flagged and vetted that stuff.  Plus it does not help when she says she wrote it with a little help.
dapaterson said:
So you're saying Trump doesn't hire very good people to work for him?  Not quite what folks are looking for in the POTUS.

At this rate, a write in campaign for Pikachu is looking more and more like America's best option.

Corey Lewandowski, left under a cloud.
Thucydides said:
Really, that was a childish attempt by someone to sabotage Trump. It is also a perfect opportunity of the Legacy media to ignore everything else that is going on in the convention, the speeches by heavyweight politicians, business people, astronauts etc. and focus on picking fly s**t from pepper.

Frankly, if thats all they've got, we really should ignore the Legacy Media.

Of course the exact opposite will happen during the DNC: every gaff, misstatement or even bald faced lie will be quickly brushed over and never brought up again.

Legacy Media...  Bringing us all down to bottom feeder levels.
Remius said:
.....  Plus it does not help when she says she wrote it with a little help.

That part was quite obvious. 

At least she didn't copy all of Michelle's speech:

When I look at young British Muslim women, I see myself.
I wake up in a house that was built by slaves.

Speaking of plagiarizing.....Obama has on numerous occasions plagiarized others:


So.....Pot....this is Kettle.
George Wallace said:
That part was quite obvious. 

At least she didn't copy all of Michelle's speech:

Speaking of plagiarizing.....Obama has on numerous occasions plagiarized others:


So.....Pot....this is Kettle.

Sure.  But he admitted it.  Both Obama and Deval Patrick are on the same political spectrum as well.  If Mrs. Trump had at least lifted something from the Republican side it might not have been as big a deal. link below explaining the relationship.


I doubt that anyone on the Trump side is willing to admit it like he did.

No one is buying it.

In the end though we'll all be talking about something else next week. 
Remius said:
I doubt that anyone on the Trump side is willing to admit it like he did.

eating my own words now...


July 20, 2016 12:36pm

Trump staffer takes responsibility for alleged plagiarism in Melania Trump speech

Trump staffer Meredith McIver has taken responsibility and apologized for the alleged plagiarism of Melania Trump's speech, but id in a statement that the campaign rejected her offer to resign.

Describing herself as an 'in-house staff writer' at the Trump organization, McIver says Mrs. Trump read her some passages of Michelle Obama's speech as examples of what she liked.

"I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech. I did not check Mrs. Obama's speeches. That was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama. No harm was meant," she said in a statement.

"Yesterday, I offered my resignation to Mr. Trump and the Trump family, but they rejected it. Mr. Trump told me that people make innocent mistakes and that we learn and grow from these experiences."

"I asked to put out this statement because I did not like seeing the way this was distracting from Mr. Trump’s historic campaign for president and Melania’s beautiful message and presentation," she wrote.

Now that is a way better way to handle this.  Take responsibility, the Trump campaign looks magnanimous by keeping her on and the story has nowhere to go.
George Wallace said:
Yes we will.  There is more controversy to come.  You can bet on it.

For the whole election. I don't think Stephen Colbert's parody of "The Hunger Games" character, Caesar Flickerman , was too far off on this years three ring circus the election has become (both sides for me).  Makes you wonder, "just what will happen next...?"  :nod:
Remius said:
eating my own words now...


July 20, 2016 12:36pm

Trump staffer takes responsibility for alleged plagiarism in Melania Trump speech

Trump staffer Meredith McIver has taken responsibility and apologized for the alleged plagiarism of Melania Trump's speech, but id in a statement that the campaign rejected her offer to resign.

Describing herself as an 'in-house staff writer' at the Trump organization, McIver says Mrs. Trump read her some passages of Michelle Obama's speech as examples of what she liked.

"I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech. I did not check Mrs. Obama's speeches. That was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama. No harm was meant," she said in a statement.

"Yesterday, I offered my resignation to Mr. Trump and the Trump family, but they rejected it. Mr. Trump told me that people make innocent mistakes and that we learn and grow from these experiences."

"I asked to put out this statement because I did not like seeing the way this was distracting from Mr. Trump’s historic campaign for president and Melania’s beautiful message and presentation," she wrote.

Now that is a way better way to handle this.  Take responsibility, the Trump campaign looks magnanimous by keeping her on and the story has nowhere to go.

I wouldn't chow down on them yet.

There's another article that says two different writers wrote Melania's speech a month ago and then heard nothing further until she gave the speech. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/20/us/politics/melania-trump-convention-speech.html?_r=1 and http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/20/politics/donald-trump-campaign-organization/index.html and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/melania-trump-speech-meredith-mciver_us_578fa921e4b07c722ebd4376?rq1c3bzdj5k359udi. Now we hear that a "Trump organization" writer re-wrote the speech with a few suggestions from Melania.

Quite frankly the inclusion of a few good phrases from Michelle Obama's speech don't bother me near as much as the fact that originally Melania said that she wrote the speech herself with "as little help as possible." That seemed an outright lie even before the plagiarism issue came up. Add that to the fact that the Trump organization has still not addressed the fact that she claims to have graduated with a degree in architecture and design in Slovenia when all the evidence points to the fact that she dropped out after first year having failed two courses. It boggles my mind that Republicans are taking up the chant of "Crooked Hillary" when lying appears to be second nature to the entire Trump machine. How stupid are republicans really?  :2c:

FJAG said:
Quite frankly the inclusion of a few good phrases from Michelle Obama's speech don't bother me near as much as the fact that originally Melania said that she wrote the speech herself with "as little help as possible." That seemed an outright lie even before the plagiarism issue came up. Add that to the fact that the Trump organization has still not addressed the fact that she claims to have graduated with a degree in architecture and design in Slovenia when all the evidence points to the fact that she dropped out after first year having failed two courses. It boggles my mind that Republicans are taking up the chant of "Crooked Hillary" when lying appears to be second nature to the entire Trump machine. How stupid are republicans really?  :2c:


Obama still hasn't released his education transcripts or long form census, so I wouldn't worry about Trump. After all the Clinton Mob Family email scandal, lying to Congress, lying about Benghazi, lying about just about anything and everything, it takes a certain kind of person that holds up Trump's minor faux pas as the crime of the century. Yup, a very special kind of person to say the Trumps are liars of an unusual veracity and magnitude, when the Clinton Mob Family hasn't spoken a true word in their lives. How stupid are the Democrats really?

I'll also state once more, that if this is the best that Clinton can do, she's out of tricks. Of course, she can and does, lie her way out of everything anyway. The Clinton mob is full of disbarred lawyers, including Bill and Hillary. They got disbarred for, wait for it......lying. She has been called a pathological liar. Not only did she lie about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia, but in another airport, she happened to run into Sir Edmund Hillary, who was the first man to climb Mt. Everest. She claimed that her mother named her Hillary after Sir Edmund Hillary the climber. Only problem with this lie Sir Edmund Hillary didn't make news climbing anything until 5-years after Clinton was born. Before then, he was a beekeeper.

So, before we go on the rampage and start calling the Trumps liars, lets not forget the Clintons hold that particular trait as a daily way of conducting business.
recceguy said:
Obama still hasn't released his education transcripts or long form census, so I wouldn't worry about Trump. After all the Clinton Mob Family email scandal, lying to Congress, lying about Benghazi, lying about just about anything and everything, it takes a certain kind of person that holds up Trump's minor faux pas as the crime of the century. Yup, a very special kind of person to say the Trumps are liars of an unusual veracity and magnitude, when the Clinton Mob Family hasn't spoken a true word in their lives. How stupid are the Democrats really?

I'll also state once more, that if this is the best that Clinton can do, she's out of tricks. Of course, she can and does, lie her way out of everything anyway. The Clinton mob is full of disbarred lawyers, including Bill and Hillary. They got disbarred for, wait for it......lying. She has been called a pathological liar. Not only did she lie about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia, but in another airport, she happened to run into Sir Edmund Hillary, who was the first man to climb Mt. Everest. She claimed that her mother named her Hillary after Sir Edmund Hillary the climber. Only problem with this lie Sir Edmund Hillary didn't make news climbing anything until 5-years after Clinton was born. Before then, he was a beekeeper.

So, before we go on the rampage and start calling the Trumps liars, lets not forget the Clintons hold that particular trait as a daily way of conducting business.

I'm not here to carry the water for Clinton. She's capable of doing that herself. I'm also not about to do research to rustle up fact about the various "lies" that you cite although much of it is pure Republican bulls**t and hyperbole. I think the whole Benghazi thing has been examined to death by her worst enemies and they still have no evidence.

I'll just correct the point on the Clintons' "disbarment". Neither were ever disbarred. Bill Clinton received a five year suspension in 2001 for "evasive and misleading answers" during the Lewinski discovery process. He could have applied to have his licence reinstated after those five years but never has. Hillary has never been disbarred, suspended or anything of the kind, much less for lying. In 2002 she let her licence lapse as she was no longer practising as a lawyer.  That's pretty standard for any lawyer that retires or moves on to some other endeavour.

The Arkansas Supreme Court, Office of the Comittee on Professional Discipline has a very good searchable database here: https://courts.arkansas.gov/administration/professional-conduct/opinions. There is no disciplinary record respecting Hillary.

One final point Recceguy. I've never been a lover of the Democrats. I'm a fiscal conservative so here in Canada I'm a Conservative and historically my views in the US have always leaned towards those of the Republicans. In the last decade or two, however, I've found that the Republicans have abandon reasonable policies of fiscal conservatism for rabid, racist, nativist, fundamental Christianity with a side order of homophobia and constitutional originalism. While I fully believe that every political party's first priority is to cling to power, I believe that the Republicans in the US have in the last twenty years developed that policy to a fine art which has them supporting policies that cater to the worst of their core supporters so that the interests of the electorate in general has been run roughshod. One need only look at their positions on healthcare, reasonable gun controls, and social equality to see that they no longer express the interests of the majority of the electorate. I guess we'll all see in November how well their shoddy approach sells. I don't like Hillary all that much and I think that the Democrats could have done much better but in the end--when you look at what is now the alternative--I really can't see that there's a choice.

FJAG said:
I really can't see that there's a choice.


Actually, there are two: bad and worse. I'll leave it to other folks to figure out which is which.
ModlrMike said:
Actually, there are two: bad and worse. I'll leave it to other folks to figure out which is which.

Depends on what side you're on.  I just see bad and bad.  I don't envy Americans and the choice they have in November.
George Wallace said:
Yes we will.  There is more controversy to come.  You can bet on it.

Didn't take long.

Everyone is talking about Ted Cruz now and how he essentially just called artillery down on his own position.

What a clown show this is. 
Most of the also rans are petty men,who dont deserve to be President.Cruz has already stated he will be running in 2020,but after his failure to endorse Trump he wont stand much of a chance.Historically people who dont muster behind the nominee dont recover politically.
tomahawk6 said:
Most of the also rans are petty men,who dont deserve to be President.Cruz has already stated he will be running in 2020,but after his failure to endorse Trump he wont stand much of a chance.Historically people who dont muster behind the nominee dont recover politically.

Good, he's a major dickwad.
tomahawk6 said:
Most of the also rans are petty men,who dont deserve to be President.Cruz has already stated he will be running in 2020,but after his failure to endorse Trump he wont stand much of a chance.Historically people who dont muster behind the nominee dont recover politically.

Agree about the pettiness.  But, I (and some pundits) think that his speech was not meant for the crowd in Cleveland.  I think it was meant for those republicans who opted not to come (McCain, Bush etc etc).  He's banking on THEIR support if this all goes south.