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US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs Harris - Vote Hard with a Vengence

Celebrity endorsements have always be sought and used.

Michael Jordan ( Nike ) put it this way about political neutrality:

"Republicans buy sneakers too".

I've always been a fan of professional sports. Who gets on the team, and which team wins, is based on merit. Not promises.
Ok - source?
There aren't really any concise "sources" for this.

What exists are:
  • papers, articles, opinions, etc speculating that illegal immigrants from south of the border should tend to vote Democratic, based on the party's historical support for welfare programs and that it is more sympathetic towards illegal immigrants than the other party
  • papers, articles, opinions, etc speculating that it would be good for Democratic political fortunes if more people who tend to vote Democratic were allowed into the country

Both points have the status of "conventional political wisdom". They've existed for decades. It's unrealistic for anyone to claim "Gee, I hadn't thought of that" when advocating for loose border controls and pathways to citizenship.

This is just one in a bucket of widely-known ideas for moving the dial towards the "permanent Democratic majority". Creating new blue states (eg. Puerto Rico, DC, dividing CA three ways) is another.

The generous immigration policies of a century or more ago aren't relevant unless governments start giving away plots of land again. On that, I'll be skeptical until we first start doing it for people already here.
Let it burn. Maybe a few really dangerous characters cross the border and another 9/11 style death count happens. Who are they going to invade then? Of course that’s the worst cast scenario, but something more likely such as major cities turning into shit holes. LA, Seattle, Chicago, New York are the beginning. Let it burn. Enjoy your DEI hire president USA, you deserve her.
Overwrought, although the risk of terrorists entering the country is obvious.

It isn't necessary to speculate about misfortune befalling anyone. It already has, without being so unpleasant. Cities with generous welfare policies, to which migrants have been relocated, are finding the fiscal cost somewhere between inconvenient and difficult to bear. The influx was easy for supporters to ignore when the burden fell on the border states; it's harder when it shows up in your municipality.

[edited for subject-object confusion]
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No one is proposing automatic free citizenship for illegals; they are progressing a formal path and supporting system to allow illegals to eventually earn citizenship. This path would take significant time and effort, and and I am certain that those "murderers, drug dealers, and rapists" wouldn't make it very far along that path. Look if I found out that in Canada that there was a family of law abiding illegals that had been living here for 30 years, had kids born here, were law-abiding, working, and paying taxes, then hell why not have a process to legitamize them?
"No one", as with "everyone", is usually wrong. A common principle of libertarians is free movement across borders. A common principle of progressives is immediate access to welfare programs. Some people support voting rights in lower level elections for residents (not exclusively citizens). I have read a few who would extend that to federal elections (pay taxes, have the right to vote for representation), which is after all one of the ideas that prompted the American Revolution.

I suppose it's remotely possible that there is no one person who holds all of these ideas along with whatever else is needed so as to be indistinguishable from "citizenship".
I don't trust them to do what's right for country and the people. I also think our population is, generally, stupid and weak and easily led astray by celebrity. I think one of the great blights on our society is the worship of professional athlete and celebrity.
It doesn't make any difference whether they do it freely or pay to create a foundation and take out political ads.

People who choose style over substance pay the price, whether they are literate enough to understand it or not. The only flaw is that they drag others with them.
Which nicely circles us right back to the origins of Trump’s MAGA movement.
Sure, but from where I sit people like Trudeau and Harris are also just packages of style. People talk about how "serious" their side is, and then their panties hit the floor with a splash as they worship a candidate who runs with an exclamation point after its name.
Which nicely circles us right back to the origins of Trump’s MAGA movement.
Well the premise behind MAGA is appealing to most Americans, in the same vein as POTUS’s Build Back Better —

It’s the generally not the original idea that is corrupt. It’s what is done with the ideals as they grow (some like a cancer)