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drunknsubmrnr said:I really hope this doesn't count if you have tattoos of a naval symbol. :crybaby:
I hear Health Services is investing in some industrial sanders for exit medical examinations... >

drunknsubmrnr said:I really hope this doesn't count if you have tattoos of a naval symbol. :crybaby:
Crantor said:Kratz, I know this is something you have at heart but does allowing former and retired members really increase that public perception and awareness? I'm willing to bet most or a lot of events are at night and you get out of a cab and go inside. I think the Navy could do a lot better than that to raise awareness. I don't think this will raise or lower awareness in the general public.
But as you have proven, it will indeed tick off serving and retired members.
I'd really like to see what motivated this message.
drunknsubmrnr said:I could submit a claim but I'm pretty sure all I'd get is a Chief with a cheese grater and a bottle of rum.
drunknsubmrnr said:I could submit a claim but I'm pretty sure all I'd get is a Chief with a cheese grater and a bottle of rum.
Enforcing the criminal code of Canada on civilians is outside the preview of the Comd RCN. However, his ships captains now have their orders and civilians may find their access refused if they turn out to a CAF event in RCN uniform sans authorization.Towards_the_gap said:But what I would really like to see is if it is actually enforced. I.E. Will Constable Bloggins actually charge LCdr Jones, RCN (Retd) with the offence contrary to whatever criminal code section is it, and see it successfully prosecuted?
Ostrozac said:I don't know what the initiating incident was that sparked this order, but it could be titled "3-Star Tries to Reiterate Existing Policy in a Ham-Fisted Confusing Manner That Alienates Veterans and Some Serving Members"
MCG said:Do most police forces in this country allow retired members to throw on the uniform and go for a public stroll?
Towards_the_gap said:Milpoints for that.
I only commented on this thread as my late Step-dad, (late RCR), used to wear his mess dress on rare occasions, one of which was my wedding. He certainly didn't write the CDS to ask permission to do so, but neither was he subsequently pictured in a local paper drunk, urinating on a church door, with his buttons undone and shoes unpolished. Therefore there was no damage done to the corporate image of the RCR.
I suppose my point is that those who would still wear RCN mess dress post-retirement are A)of suitable rank to have purchased it, and B)therefore smart enough to know when to wear it in the appropriate circumstance and manner.
But I do get the point of 'official uniforms' as pointed out by MCG. I certainly won't be wearing my DEU's anytime soon, nor would I wear my OFS uniform for social events (outside of those times when authorised to by the Fire Chief).
Towards_the_gap said:Total tangent, but am I the only one surprised that Megamind ended up as a Royal Sigs officer?