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What Bases should stay open and which Bases should be closed

Bograt said:
Okay, I'll bite.

How about Baggotville? Move the Hornets to Goose and Greenwood.

Sorry, I can't see that happening anytime soon either.  Goose as it stands is a 3 year posting, no more than that and when you go, you don't take your own stuff with you since there's no highways to get it there. The cost to operate anything more than a Sqn there would be crazy. Greenwood is not much good either, there's no training areas in NS for jets and the Bay of Fundy is off limits due to the protected whales so they're going to have to transit to actually get some work done. Not to mention that Bagotville is very close to Chicoutimi-Jonquiere, which is, needless to say, a whole lot better place to be than Goose or Greenwood. We'd be further ahead to move Goose to Bagotville, though that would bankrupt the town of Happy Valley/Goose Bay since the major industry there is the military.

Just my opinion though.

aesop081 said:
Not to mention the somewhat uncertain future of Goose bay.

Hun? But Prime Minister Martin said that he promised to make sure that the military continues to take advantage of the wonderful resources that Goose Bay provides. (Sarcasm does not work well in type).

I heard rumors in certain circles that Baggotville was being considered. I don't know the rationale, but from what I understand there are valid justifications- since I don't know any details I'll shut up and listen to my Zamfir cd- Goodness I love the pan flute.
Does anyone know what happened to Moose Jaw??  Might sound like a funny question but my father was Airforce and I spent 4 years of my life there ( falling asleep to the sound of big plane engines ) 
My father retired in '94 when there were cut backs or something like that ( I was only 14, dont really know) and friends told me it was a private pilot school... others say its closed completly and the PMQ's have been torn down.  Anyways just curious to know :)

I believe Moose Jaw is the home of the Canadian Snowbirds as well as a training base for many other nations.
ok... should of guessed for the Snow Birds....  but is it still a fully functionnal military base? Thats what Im curious about.  ???
Moose Jaw is the NATO primary flight training base. Most of the Air Force left in 98-99. I was a staff officer at HMCS UNICORN in Saskatoon and  Moose Jaw was our support base. When it was decided to go ASD for flight training, Bombardier (who else? (extreme sarcasm here)) took over. I was posted out in the spring of 99 so I don't know how much of the air force infrastructure left.

Work Point - The Navy has completely taken over there. It is now the home of Venture, the Naval Officer Training Centre. That red brick building the Army built is now home to our bridge simulators and a mjority of the classrooms. They are building a new accomodation block and galley. I think we will be moving our PLQ organisation out there also. The only PPCLI presence is Range Control, for Heals Rifle range and Betenick Island (demolitions). While they do good work, I would rather they went back to the PPCLI (I think they could find more meaningful jobs for them) and let us run the ranges, we are the primary users anyway.

As for having a military presence in a major city, we are basically near the centre of Greater Victoria Regional District, our ships are always sailing across the waterfront of Victoria and I bet that half the city don't know or care that we exist. And for opening a base in or near Vancouver, boy we could recruit 20,000 troops for the amount that would cost us. Cheaper to buy C-17 to fly need troops from Edmonton if the big one hits. (they could land in Vic, Comox, Abbotsford or south if Vancouver Airport was unusuable.

As for the moving of 3 PPCLI from Winnipeg to Shilo, (Deep Breath)
Good Christ its 1hr and 1/2 drive down a 4 lane highway to Winnipeg! I think people in TO have a longer drive to work EVERY DAY!
If I hear one more person say that they won't be able to see the RWB, I'll puke!, How many times did you watch them when you lived there
I"m from Killarney, 1 hr south of Shilo, I have heard this crap from Winnipegers for years, get over it! Your in the fricken military!!!!!
FSTO said:
As for the moving of 3 PPCLI from Winnipeg to Shilo, (Deep Breath)

You meant 2 PPCLI right ??

As for the original topic........  I could see whats left of Winnipeg closing in the next few years. IMHO, there is nothing here that cannot be done elsewhere.  2VP is gone to Shilo, CFSMET could be moved to Borden ( to join the rest of air force NCM training.....with the execptions of SAR tech, FE, AESOp and AC Op), CFANS could be moved to Trenton, CFSSAT could go to Trenton as well, CFSAS could go to Borden/Trenton/Wherever. 402 Sqn to trenton to support CFANS and 435  to Trenton ( this would further consolidate C-130 ops there).

As for Bagotville, well i can't see that closing.  I can see the political storm that would result from closing the only air force base in Quebec.  With Gose bay's futer uncertain ( beleive me , it is) there are no other alternatives for a fighter base on the east coast.
aesop081 said:
You meant 2 PPCLI right ??

1,2,3 whatever!! ;D

Don't get your shorts in a knot, though I don't know the diff between the regiments, I am sure that what I said would get the same response as if an army person said "frigate, destroyer, AOR whatever!"
FSTO said:
As for the moving of 3 PPCLI from Winnipeg to Shilo, (Deep Breath)
Good Christ its 1hr and 1/2 drive down a 4 lane highway to Winnipeg! I think people in TO have a longer drive to work EVERY DAY!
If I hear one more person say that they won't be able to see the RWB, I'll puke!, How many times did you watch them when you lived there
I"m from Killarney, 1 hr south of Shilo, I have heard this crap from Winnipegers for years, get over it! Your in the fricken military!!!!!

I hardly think that the dissatisfaction about the 2PPCLI move to Shilo revolves around RWB or even the distance to Winnipeg.  Brandon has grown in leaps and bounds in the last 8-10 years and has all the amenities of Winnipeg, albeit on a smaller scale.  I think the major dissatisfier is the lack of white collar jobs for spouses of military members.  I know of a more than a few cases of spouses not being gainfully employed in their speciality(healthcare, education, justice) due to a dearth of jobs in Brandon.  All one has to do is look at the number of IR postings that 2PPCLI has right now and realize that for some they are taking a financial hit.
FSTO said:
Moose Jaw is the NATO primary flight training base. Most of the Air Force left in 98-99. I was a staff officer at HMCS UNICORN in Saskatoon and    Moose Jaw was our support base. When it was decided to go ASD for flight training, Bombardier (who else? (extreme sarcasm here)) took over. I was posted out in the spring of 99 so I don't know how much of the air force infrastructure left.

Moose Jaw is actually home to Basic Flight Training and Advanced Flight Training for jets. Primary Flight Training is done in Portage la Prairie, semantics I know, but the truth. The only people that have left MJ in the last 10 years has been the technicians since all maintenance on the NFTC equipment is done by Bombardier. Other than that and Base rescue flight that was canned in the mid 90s, ATC, the Snowbirds and the Big 2 (2CFFTS) all remain there. It's still a CFB and it's a proper wing too complete with meatheads unlike Portage la Prairie. You can get everything there that you can get in Trenton or elsewhere. There's still a ton of PMQs (Bushell Park) and a brand new barrack block.
Inch thanks, thats the info I wanted to hear.   My dad was a Tech and we left there 10 years ago last september.   Ive lived in Quebec since and I havent returned.   Anyways, thanks for the info! :D
FSTO said:
1,2,3 whatever!! ;D

Don't get your shorts in a knot, though I don't know the diff between the regiments, I am sure that what I said would get the same response as if an army person said "frigate, destroyer, AOR whatever!"

And before YOU get your  knickers in a not........I was asking a simple question ! I was trying to make sure that i was actualy awake the day 2PPCLI drove out of the peg........Maybe you need to relax a bit......
FSTO speak to what you know.
For starters its a 2 lane highway (albeit its 2 lanes either way) not a 4 lane highway like they have in TO.
Second its a 2 hour drive and thats to the outskirts.  If you live in other more distant area's within Wpg it could be a 2 1/2 hour drive not to mention the winter time.
MJP hit it on the head really.  People that are teachers, bank tellers, even pharmacy techs can't find work.  There is also few jobs that pay above minimum.  So you'll excuse those that are affected from being a little bitter and in shock about the whole thing.
P.S.  go ahead and ask me where our first field ex was.  Shilo.  No, it was in Wainwright.
I think it is more a matter of time.  In the Shilo area (Brandon) those people will find jobs but in a move as big as that they would run into the same problems no matter where they were going to move to.  That many skilled people hitting the same area all at once would congest most job markets if every spouse was as skilled as made out to be.
you might be right but for those affected, it doesn't make it any easier to take when there were viable options in WPG.
  Okay, I guess I'll add my .02 worth on the idea of a base in Vancouver.  As it stands, they are in the process of moving Seaforth Highlanders into Jericho Garrison.  This is only temporary, as they plan on moving 39 Bde, 12 fld Amb and 744 Comm Reg't, along with a few others I believe, into what they want to be CFB Vancouver, which will be located (apparently) on the current site of Seaforth Highlanders.  Of course, as the GVRD (Greater Vancouver Regional District for those not from here) is not reg force, it would be a reserve base, with a few reg force members on contract with res units, however it would lend itself to the idea of public presence.  That, and who would hate the idea of having a military base right next to a Molson Brewery  ;)  Apparently this will be happening in the next 3-5 years, and will end with the closing and selling of Jericho to the City to build many condos....typical!
I realize it would be difficult for those affected and did not mean to seem unsympathetic, I was only meaning that as a resident of the general area I am sick of hearing people bi*** about it.  It comes off as people hate the location but what I am getting at is that it wouldn't matter where they moved people would be unhappy.
The one base that i no will stay open is cfb gagetown in new brunswick :cdn:
Sea Cadet said:
The one base that i no will stay open is cfb gagetown in new brunswick :cdn:

I just wanted to take the chance to personally thank you for adding such a useful and well thought out point to this discussion. BZ.

CFL, it all depends on what part of the country you're from, the 4 lane vs 2 lane highway dispute is not unlike the case of beer dispute.  I've always referred to highways by their total number of lanes, Toronto doesn't have 4 lane highways, they have 8 or more lane highways and the TransCanada between Brandon and Winnipeg is a 4 lane highway in my mind.

