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Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

Bzzliteyr said:
Looking down at the boots I have on my feet (GP) I see that my speedlaces are touching.  Does this mean they aren't fitting me correctly?  Over my years in the military I have seen all kinds of people, some with thick ankles and some with thin.  I can't see how that is related to foot size?  Or am I not following the link between the two in this case?

You're not following the link.

He has the narrowest width issued to him, but the proper length.

He's got his speed laces tightened as much as he possibly can (their eyelets are touching each other), yet the boot is still way too wide for his foot and his heel is still rising up and moving left to right quite loosely. If you aren't experiencing that -- your boots are fine.

His boots are too wide. They don't come narrower; he needs LPOd boots as he is not fitting into the stocked sizes.
I got that part Vern, I totally understand he needs those boots.  I was just worried that if I had MY eyelets touching that I would need to pay more attention to my foot comfort.  I know I have been wearing them for a while and am still breaking them in but I do have the odd ankle issue.. I'll have to keep under observation it seems...
If the laces are touching before you get the boots broke in, there will be no space to take up the expansion of the leather.

I do not know why the upper portion of those boots are made so generously. Is it to speed donnng and doffing?
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
If the laces are touching before you get the boots broke in, there will be no space to take up the expansion of the leather.

I do not know why the upper portion of those boots are made so generously. Is it to speed donnng and doffing?

- Getting ready for that new generation of fat teenagers to squeeze through the doors of the recruiting centers.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
I do not know why the upper portion of those boots are made so generously. Is it to speed donnng and doffing?

Neither do I... but my problem has always been that I couldn't get my foot into the boots to begin with. I mean they'll be my size, but I can't get my foot into the boot! Or when it's finally in that the lacing and knotting of the boots themselves hurt the hell out of my calf because they were just messed up! I've had that problem with all my MkIIIs, to the point where I always go for the larger size that allows my calf and foot to slide easily in, but then the boot's too big so I get blisters when I do ruck marches...

Funny thing though... no problem at all with Magnums  ;)
MedTech said:
Neither do I... but my problem has always been that I couldn't get my foot into the boots to begin with. I mean they'll be my size, but I can't get my foot into the boot! Or when it's finally in that the lacing and knotting of the boots themselves hurt the hell out of my calf because they were just messed up! I've had that problem with all my MkIIIs, to the point where I always go for the larger size that allows my calf and foot to slide easily in, but then the boot's too big so I get blisters when I do ruck marches...

Funny thing though... no problem at all with Magnums  ;)

Eerily, his post is about the GP Boots ... which have the same tongue/spacing as the WWBoot ...

Which do not resemble at ALL the tongue/lack of space of MkIII boot of which you complain above. If you can fit your arch into a magnum -- you can fit it into the GP or WWB. Funny thing that.  ;)

Apples / oranges
ArmyVern said:
Eerily, his post is about the GP Boots ... which have the same tongue/spacing as the WWBoot ...

Which do not resemble at ALL the tongue/lack of space of MkIII boot of which you complain above. If you can fit your arch into a magnum -- you can fit it into the GP or WWB. Funny thing that.  ;)

Apples / oranges

D'oh, d'oh, d'oh, d'oh, d'oh!

I haven't been able to find my right size in WWB... but I will try harder :D and yes I've taken notes from all your posts Vern :D
It appears the "Buy your own boots if you don't like the issued ones.", exemption is no longer available.  I just looked at the Supply Manual (http://dgmssc.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/dmpp_apps/SupplyManual/WebHelp/index.htm) today and the para relating to that is gone:

d.    When special size footwear is ordered for an individual Supply Customer Maintenance MSO014 shall be used to annotate the member’s IA (special instructions) with the special size requirements. Item(s) should be brought on charge using the stock code of the closest size, taking caution to ensure that the total quantity (comprised of current balance, dues-in and special size items) does not exceed the district ROP/ROQ, which in turn could result in redistribution. Each time the individual requires footwear; the IA shall be checked to ascertain when the item was previously issued. Normally, special size footwear shall not be ordered for individuals during their last six months of service.

e.    Special size footwear issued to an individual shall not be withdrawn when the employment justifying its issue ceases. The individual retains the footwear during his entire period of service.

That being the case, I wonder if anyone who took advantage of that "loophole" is now eligible to claim back the costs?  Since there is no mention of a grandfathering clause, I assume they have to now either get issued boots, or get a chit of some kind.
Is it okay to use the old hotwater soak trick with these boots?
I think with the liner you'd be screwed.  They aren't just leather anymore.  But I must admit I have never tried.
Yeah since they're like the gortex thats what I thought :( If there's anyone whos tried please let me know :) I like my boots formed the easy way haha :D
These boots form easy regardless. The leather is much more malleable than the leather on the MKIII's. Shouldn't be a problem if you wear them around for a day or two.
- Spray Pam works wonders as well on leather.  An old baseball glove trick.
TCBF said:
- Spray Pam works wonders as well on leather.  An old baseball glove trick.

That's a great idea. I'm always putting my foot in my mouth so it might as well taste good.  ;)
ArmyVern said:
Eerily, his post is about the GP Boots ... which have the same tongue/spacing as the WWBoot ...

Which do not resemble at ALL the tongue/lack of space of MkIII boot of which you complain above. If you can fit your arch into a magnum -- you can fit it into the GP or WWB. Funny thing that.  ;)

But the Magnums are 10 times more comfertable then the GP boot.  And in my case no lower back pain at the end of the work day.

Apples / oranges
NL_engineer said:
But the Magnums are 10 times more comfertable then the GP boot.  And in my case no lower back pain at the end of the work day.

Apples / oranges

Well, they are for YOU. And, that lower back pain bit would make it seem like something "medical" ...

Yet again: Apples/Oranges  ;)

(And, knowing that you are here right now, hoping that you are addressing the footwear item as a "medical" during your B Class time ... what a difference that makes too in the world that is the supply system [over A Class]).
I find the GP boot ot break in easily and are comfy. THey take the orthodics and I have no issues wearing issue boots now (pun intended!)
I will not wear MK IIIs though.
OldSolduer said:
I find the GP boot ot break in easily and are comfy. THey take the orthodics and I have no issues wearing issue boots now (pun intended!)

Agreed.  I use them while flying (shh...don't tell anyone!) especially since the flying boots are re-treaded Mk IIIs with bigger eyelets.  Speaking of which, how come the GPB isn't "allowed" for flight ops when they also issue Mk IIIs if flying boot stocks run low  ???
I believe it's the anti-fod issue, however I could be off on this. I'm sure Vern will correct me if I'm wrong though.
Dimsum said:
Agreed.  I use them while flying (shh...don't tell anyone!) especially since the flying boots are re-treaded Mk IIIs with bigger eyelets.  Speaking of which, how come the GPB isn't "allowed" for flight ops when they also issue Mk IIIs if flying boot stocks run low  ???

The MkIII is an unlined, plain leather boot (just as the "flying boots" [the re-treaded combat MkIII boot as you pointed out]) with no static producing lining.

The same can not be said about the Boot, GP; it does have a staticy lining (or at least has a lining not yet certified to be anti-static).

Big Flight Safety "OOOOPs" on your part.