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Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

  • Thread starter Thread starter brad_dennis
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Never forget the chain of command or you gonna piss off some sergeants...DO NOT ATTEMPT.

last time I checked, most of the 3 battalions of R22R were up to scratch.
In the recruiting process you should be given the oportunity to choose the Regimetn you ultimately get sent to... if you have any english skills, you have as good a chance as anyone else to go Patricia OR Royal.
It never hurts to ask.

Si vous fait tous vos entrainment en francais je suis certaine que vous irez à la R 22eme R
At the looks of recent recruiting in Quebec, the Units in 5eme Bde seem to be overborn and a lot of Francophones are being posted to Units outside of Quebec.
mstorey said:
Si vous fait tous vos entrainment en francais je suis certaine que vous irez à la R 22eme R
not sure where you get your intel........

Given that 5 Bde Bns & Reg'ts are, for once, up to scratch, the CF can afford to open positions in Anglo units to non anglo personnel ... so long as they can function in english. Plenty of Quebec born troops have served with distinction in every unit / formation of the CF. Plenty of Maritime/western born troops have served with distinction in the units of 5 Bde
As a patrica im a little bias, but a lot of my leadership i know have been transfering from the RCR and I really dont know of anyone thats trying to leave 3PPCLI for RCR so i guess that answers that, now I dont know anythin about R22eR so ill refrain from commenting
As alredy stated every unit has its good and bad, its not so much the entire unit as the BN, as I have come to notice especially in the Patricias the first and third are bunched together as the cowboys, and although no one wants to admit it the 2nd is like the red headed step child, the 1st and 3rd get everything, partly because they are stationed together, and I'm sure having the Regt HQ there doesnt hurt either, and the 2nd ends up with the crap or nothing at all.
grayman said:
As alredy stated every unit has its good and bad, its not so much the entire unit as the BN, as I have come to notice especially in the Patricias the first and third are bunched together as the cowboys, and although no one wants to admit it the 2nd is like the red headed step child, the 1st and 3rd get everything, partly because they are stationed together, and I'm sure having the Regt HQ there doesnt hurt either, and the 2nd ends up with the crap or nothing at all.

Stop complaining! You just got posted to a fantastic training area, with brand new lines and quarters, with winter winds to harden you and mosquitos to enrich your summer trg experience. I got stuck in Edmonton with nothing but close proximity to an awesome city full of bars and beautiful women, and skiing on the weekends.  :'(

Stop complaining! You just got posted to a fantastic training area, with brand new lines and quarters, with winter winds to harden you and mosquitos to enrich your summer trg experience. I got stuck in Edmonton with nothing but close proximity to an awesome city full of bars and beautiful women, and skiing on the weekends.


Hey wait a min....Im in Shilo.....
Thank you for showing me the error of my ways, I dont know what I was thinking , your right it must be incredibly hard for you in such a miserable and horrifying place such as Edmonton.........I feel for you I really do!!
Ah shilo. It makes me sad not to be in the battalion now! I mean who wants an annoying city like winnipeg with lots to do when you could move to Shilo and find new hobbies such as getting sh*t faced at 10 in the morning?
The year was 1950
I was 17 yrs old, Never been away from home before
Went to Chorley Park recruiting depot in east-end Toronto
Wanted to join the army
They wanted to know which Regiment I wanted to go to
Had tree choices
RCR London
PPCLI Calgary
R22R Valcartier
Thought I would like to see Calgary and the Cowboys
So I joined the Patricia's
Never did see anycowboys  :(
Much to my surprise a few months later wound up in
Fort Lewis Washington
Never ever regretted the choice
Few years later transfered to the RCOC
Became a Para Rigger

As for the locations of the various Battalions it is something that will make all the difference with regards to your quality of life. And at the end of the day that may play a vast role in your decision to stay in the Army. I have to tell you that I have never been to Edmonton. I hear it is nice but there is also talk of moving 1 and 3 VP to Wainright in a few years. Petawawa definitely has that small town feel however, Gagetown on the other hand surprised me. I am not from the east coast and had not heard much about it when I was sent there to teach. What I found though was that the base was huge, the quarters relatively modern, a decent mess hall and just as important the city of Fredericton was a blast.  But of course no matter where you go the people that you work and socialize with will make or brake the location.

this may have changed over the years but, while the CFRC people may ask you which Regiment you might want to go to... the decision of which Battalion you go to is one that is usually kept by the career manglers who have establishments to maintain.
While all 3 ns of R22R are located in one place.... RCR and PPCLI are scattered a wee bit
Bloggins said:
As for the locations of the various Battalions it is something that will make all the difference with regards to your quality of life. And at the end of the day that may play a vast role in your decision to stay in the Army.

Interesting you say that...

My father always said, if he hadnt been posted to London, he'd likely still be in today.  :(
How does the decision in which Bn you go to work? I would prefer 3 RCR for the light infantry. Is it based on your performance during BMQ/SQ and they determine from that to where you should go?
I think it  depends on which Bn is short on forces, Doesn't it rotate every course also?
each Battalion reports it's requirements and the manglers will process personnel based on the needs of the battalion before the needs of the individual soldier.
do you have any say, or at least give yor preferance? if not can you transfer after some time?
The recruiting offer will normally identify what regiment you have been selected for; and you will be given a chance to identify your choice of battalions during infantry training. Keep in mind, however, that service requirements prevail, and your "choices" may not have any affect on where you are going. Sometimes the staff know well in advance where the members of your training platoon are most likely to end up.

Transfers are possible from your first posting, but again, service requirements take precedence. Postings are expensive, and "because I want to" isn't a very strong argument. Once you're in a battalion, you may not find the urge to move as strong as your perceived preference for one battalion over another may seem right now.
