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Confusion on CCG protocol

Ex-Dragoon said:
I think trying to make the CCG into our version of the USCG will be a loosing battle at best. Our CCG will resist any change to make them otherwise. Try and expand the Navy and get us the ships to do expanded patrols and aid to navigation missions (i.e. icebreaking).

Patrols make good sense, but why do you suggest the navy doing icebreaking?
It should also be pointed out that in the CG things differ a lot from region to region so what Colin says happens on west coast may be totally different in another region.  In Maritimes region MCTS and Operations Officers were issued uniforms and for a time all wore them. Then a couple of people raised a protest and it was decided that it wasn't compulsory and so most people stopped wearing them. Others chose to continue and so today you have a mixture of both.  The politically correct also raised a stink and management caved and said under the Charter no dress code of any sort could be dictated and so today you can wear just about any thing you want to work .  While I wear a uniform most of the time many where I work wear clothes I wouldn't wear out in public let alone to work in an office.  Many of those who do wear uniforms wear all different matter of dress or mix and match. CG truck drivers in area for example may wear a CG hat,Jacket & Shirt  with an old pair of jeans and any footwear from sneakers to rubber boots. UPS or Fedex are more military than the CG.

Alright, no matter how NON-military they are, their formal uniforms are still very navy-like in nature such as the ones in the pictures I posted below from the CCG Pacific Fleet's website. BTW how often do these crewmembers get to wear them- I assume not out in public like Marcom people, but probably at special, formal events where CCG officers or crewmembers may be invited?

Gad there so much gold braid there they will have to do a stability calculation when they all stumble up to the bridge.  ::)

Coast Guard College, a.k.a. "Fellowship of the ring"
This is more like it:




http://www.pacific.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/photos/cgatwork/images/ccg54.jpg (2nd from the left is ex-RCD, started work student, convinced him to go military for awhile and then he came back to be a rescue diver.)

http://www.pacific.ccg-gcc.gc.ca/photos/cgatwork/images/ccg2.jpg Used to be friends with the girl in this picture.


Will have to talk to the webmaster he removed my picture of me in a "Rathat" diving helmet.

Colin P,

So when are you supposed to wear them-those uniforms with the braids-  only at special formal events? 

BTW, I didn't know that CCG crewmen were issued berets. Also, no offence, but what are the shaving regulations- especially with the guy in braids in the first picture you posted?

Here are some rank insigna's for the CCG. I have a 41 page document I need to read through but you have to wait a day or two. Can't link you directly as it is CCG Intranet, even I can't see it directly although I am still in the federal service, thankfully I have friends in low places.  8)

Colin P and all,

Here's a little tribute to the Canadian Coast Guard using the Canadian national anthem, which was prepared more for the Coast Guard Auxiliary, but I think it applies for you main CCG personnel as well.

English version



I hope you enjoy it too.

Hello all,

I have another question- Once a crewman is "hired" by the CCG as a crewman one of the cutters or Icebreakers or rescue ships, do they have a choice where they are assigned? For example, could one choose to be stationed at CCG Victoria or CCG Pat Bay or CCG Kitsilano or CCG Prince Rupert? Just curious...

I believe the ships crews are pooled out of Victoria, likely as a deckhand your first job will be on the larger ships. The smaller stations are generally full time staff and hire replacements from the local community. When they accept you, the HR department will phone you and say: "There is a slot on CCGS "Whatever" leaving for 28 days in 2 days can you be at the dock tomorrow?" I suggest that when offered you snag it regardless of how inconvenient the timing may be. You will likely start as a causal filling in for regular crew off on leave/training. The first trip is very important to your career as a bad comment to the HR staff from the Bosum or Chief Officer will scupper your chances of being hired again. It will take up to a year of off and on before you will likely get a chance at a regular shift and then 5 years of regular service to become full time. Now sometimes you luck out and fall into a job, but likely you will have to work at impressing people to get an offer.