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Fitness for Operational Requirements of CAF Employment ( FORCE )

Dirt Digger said:
Thanks for the video link.  Am I correct in assuming that a lot of the extra tests were trialed but didn't make the final cut?  The "picking" video looks like an accident waiting to happen - you can see from the gouges in the tape that a few have almost missed the striking surface.

I'm looking forward to trying out the new test, so I'll reserve judgement until I've physically gone through the motions.

The extra tests are the 6 common tasks that were boiled down to the 4 evaluated tasks. The videos were there to show how the evaluated tests simulate the 6 common tasks. You can say that they are more representative of the 6 common tasks than the CF EXPRES test.
I just did the FORCE Test at 60% of the available time LINK BELOW


Test 1 - simulate loading 30 sand bags in 3 mins

Test 2 - simulate carrying a weight (I think was 20 kg Sandbag) 40 metres - then run back 40 metres to pick up another

Test 3 - cover 40 metres in 10 metre bounds - drop to push up posn every 10 metres - drop 7 times then run 20 m back - in 51 seconds (first time I did it in 1:14 vs 51.8 seconds the 2nd time

Test 4 - drag some simulated 230 pound HQ Staff Officer 40 M - after 35 m my legs were saying he's just a G1 Pers fat b---tard - throw him to the sharks - but the monitor wouldn;t let me stop

Its a basc measure of fitness - and young guys and gals should do better than old timers like me who's Honorary Col is Col Peter Jackson.....

I suspect that God's and Goddesses who are lean mean no upper body mass are going to get a shock when they do this test.

Survival of the Fittest though - as many surprises in conflict always show us

My prep for the test was this Android APP - which is also on the Iphone Store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tinymission.dailyworkoutspaid&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS50aW55bWlzc2lvbi5kYWlseXdvcmtvdXRzcGFpZCJd

In dreary winter Ottawa - you can't always get to the gym - but with a yoga mat at the house you can do 20 mins easy every morning before work - then say 20 mins at gym if you get there on cardio just to keep the ahem - tight pants syndrome at bay.

Of course diet plays a part in everything

As I said - the app is quite a revelation - just follow the instructor in the random work out for 10 mins (20 exercises in 10 mins) then 5 min break - then another 10 mins random etc until you've run through 40 mins. At 25 mins I am dripping wet.

20 mins a day should be more than enough to keep you stretched out nicely Mon to Friday

This app should be RECOMMENDED for all Reservists primarily - and of course the full time forces as a complement to their unit PT.

So suck that gut in Soldier! See you at the Gym! Or on the 10 mile bike path from mid May to End Sep

The Arm Chair General who can be back from Tims before you're out the door

Enjoy! :)
I went to do the new test at Dockyard in Halifax, found out the new test is not being done until June at least. Apparently equipment and personnel is a problem ::) Guess I did the expres for the last time.
Halifax PSP staff have been doing info briefs and I tried to get even a staff demo for this year's Coxn Crs and no go. You'd think this would all be in place. I will do the old Xpress myself in May and then try the new one when things settle down a little probably toward the fall. My move down to CCFL sometime in the next 90 days is my priority at the moment.
If you have enough interest at a Unit (PD Day??), someone may be able to come in for the Info brief. If you don`t have the contact name here in Halifax, PM me and I will pass it on to you.

Maybe I am not remembering clearly...but the CANFORGEN stated  "shall begin 01 Apr 13" or words to that effect didn't it?

"Sorry we can't make this happen" doesn't seem to be an appropriate response.  Is this PSP being cry babies?

Sometimes the right response to "we can't because of XYZ" is "MAKE IT HAPPEN".
2013 is a "interim" year (if I'm not mistaken) and the new test starts 01 Apr 2014.  People can do the new test this year and if they don't pass, they can do the ExPres.
54/102 CEF said:
I just did the FORCE Test at 60% of the available time LINK BELOW


Test 1 - simulate loading 30 sand bags in 3 mins

Test 2 - simulate carrying a weight (I think was 20 kg Sandbag) 40 metres - then run back 40 metres to pick up another

Test 3 - cover 40 metres in 10 metre bounds - drop to push up posn every 10 metres - drop 7 times then run 20 m back - in 51 seconds (first time I did it in 1:14 vs 51.8 seconds the 2nd time

Test 4 - drag some simulated 230 pound HQ Staff Officer 40 M - after 35 m my legs were saying he's just a G1 Pers fat b---tard - throw him to the sharks - but the monitor wouldn;t let me stop

Its a basc measure of fitness - and young guys and gals should do better than old timers like me who's Honorary Col is Col Peter Jackson.....

I suspect that God's and Goddesses who are lean mean no upper body mass are going to get a shock when they do this test.

Survival of the Fittest though - as many surprises in conflict always show us

My prep for the test was this Android APP - which is also on the Iphone Store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tinymission.dailyworkoutspaid&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS50aW55bWlzc2lvbi5kYWlseXdvcmtvdXRzcGFpZCJd

In dreary winter Ottawa - you can't always get to the gym - but with a yoga mat at the house you can do 20 mins easy every morning before work - then say 20 mins at gym if you get there on cardio just to keep the ahem - tight pants syndrome at bay.

Of course diet plays a part in everything

As I said - the app is quite a revelation - just follow the instructor in the random work out for 10 mins (20 exercises in 10 mins) then 5 min break - then another 10 mins random etc until you've run through 40 mins. At 25 mins I am dripping wet.

20 mins a day should be more than enough to keep you stretched out nicely Mon to Friday

This app should be RECOMMENDED for all Reservists primarily - and of course the full time forces as a complement to their unit PT.

So suck that gut in Soldier! See you at the Gym! Or on the 10 mile bike path from mid May to End Sep

The Arm Chair General who can be back from Tims before you're out the door

Enjoy! :)

There you go again, leading from the front . Likely won't go far  with that attitude:



Eye In The Sky said:
Maybe I am not remembering clearly...but the CANFORGEN stated  "shall begin 01 Apr 13" or words to that effect didn't it?

"Sorry we can't make this happen" doesn't seem to be an appropriate response.  Is this PSP being cry babies?

Sometimes the right response to "we can't because of XYZ" is "MAKE IT HAPPEN".

It was everyone shall attempt the new FORCE test at some point in 2013. If they pass, that's their fitness evaluation for 2013; if not, they still need to do an EXPRES test. Come 2014 it will be the only fitness testing available (no EXPRES).
Eye In The Sky said:
Maybe I am not remembering clearly...but the CANFORGEN stated  "shall begin 01 Apr 13" or words to that effect didn't it?

"Sorry we can't make this happen" doesn't seem to be an appropriate response.  Is this PSP being cry babies?

Sometimes the right response to "we can't because of XYZ" is "MAKE IT HAPPEN".

They cannot do it here because they do not have the equipment(sand??) nor the training of adequate personnel. They have not hidden this fact and an area wide MARLANT email went out a couple weeks ago explaining this. What they are offerring in lieu is circuit training geared toward the components of FORCE...victim of budget allocations?, someone dropped the ball?...I don't know.
We did a practice run through this morning. Unless u are Jabba the frikken hut with a Krispy Kream doughnut stuck in your gob, and maybe even if you are, you should be fine. With the exception of the 51 second up down, sprint, I came in well under the allocated time on everything as did most everyone else.  I just need to do more wind sprints to gain speed to make up for my clumsy touch the line with your toe and flop on the floor like a drunken Irishman technique.

It was so much more efficient than the express test and everyone cheered everyone else on.

I'm well past 50, well over 6 ft tall and well over 240lbs, no problems except the flopping part. On the other end of the spectrum, one of our clerks is 30ish, no more than 110-120 lbs and no taller than 5 ft 0. She did great, even dragging the sandbags.


We should take all the recruits on warrior platoon, who can't pass the current fitness test, and have them trial this new FORCE test.

It would be interesting to see how many recruits that fail the current test can pass this test instead.  If at all.
Pat in Halifax said:
Halifax PSP staff have been doing info briefs and I tried to get even a staff demo for this year's Coxn Crs and no go. You'd think this would all be in place. I will do the old Xpress myself in May and then try the new one when things settle down a little probably toward the fall. My move down to CCFL sometime in the next 90 days is my priority at the moment.
If you have enough interest at a Unit (PD Day??), someone may be able to come in for the Info brief. If you don`t have the contact name here in Halifax, PM me and I will pass it on to you.


No need the Coxn and sports coordinator has been to the info session now it seems. Just a few more months. It interesting that instead of phasing out the PSP staff, now it seems they want to hire more to administer the test. Seems to me we should be able to train our own guys for this.
Chief Stoker said:
Seems to me we should be able to train our own guys for this.

That is the Army solution; to my knowledge, the RCN and RCAF decided against it.
dapaterson said:
That is the Army solution; to my knowledge, the RCN and RCAF decided against it.

Really, perhaps this is a way to save money. Post people to the gym and get rid of PSP staff altogether >:D
Chief Stoker said:
Really, perhaps this is a way to save money. Post people to the gym and get rid of PSP staff altogether >:D

So then the gym staff would start work at 10 am (after their PT), go for a smoke break 15 seconds after getting back from lunch and start complaining if their not off work at 3 or 330?  ;D
Chief Stoker said:
Really, perhaps this is a way to save money. Post people to the gym and get rid of PSP staff altogether >:D

.....and the wheel goes 'round and 'round. :P

ObedientiaZelum said:
So then the gym staff would start work at 10 am (after their PT), go for a smoke break 15 seconds after getting back from lunch and start complaining if their not off work at 3 or 330?  ;D

I always found that the PERI staff was helpful, insightful, and most of all, they were always there. ;)

Oh, and many were ex combat arms and knew exactly what you had done and what you needed.
All kidding aside it sounds like MCpls/MS could be the OPIs at their perspective units for this testing.

I've tested my CO on TOETs' before live ranges.  I guess though I wouldn't be able to determine if he did a 'proper pushup' or if that sandbag got lifted up high enough.  We aren't S-M-R-T enough.


My  :2c: is the Army is doing this the right way.  I guess the RCN and RCAF don't trust their own people enough with a PT test.  Wonder how they let them take ships and aircraft out and about eh?  Exactly what does it say about the confidence in our leadership from the MCpl/MS level and up if that CofC can't be trusted to count pushups and time events on a PT test?

If leaders DO break the rules and act without ethics...punish them!  Did the CSD suddenly become void??
ObedientiaZelum said:
All kidding aside it sounds like MCpls/MS could be the OPIs at their perspective units for this testing.

Yup.  Jesus, we used to do IBTS in 'stands' with NCOs running them with a OIC overall.  We can run ranges with unit pers.  OIC, RSO, ARSO, Butts NCO, etc etc. 

But a PT test...good GOD man what are you thinking? 
Eye In The Sky said:
  I guess the RCN and RCAF don't trust their own people enough with a PT test. 

Or just like the convenience of showing up and having someone else administer it.