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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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If the NDP helps the LPC survive confidence votes, then the NDP will be blamed/credited by voters.  Ordinarily it would be unwise to stand on-side with scandal, but I suppose they may be calculating that Canadians do not want a mid-pandemic election and are mostly satisfied with the government's reaction to the pandemic.
Remius said:
Exactly.  Not going to happen.  the NDP is broke, the leader is fairly weak and the NDP probably get more of what they want with a liberal minority.

Knowing the NDP are incapable of mounting a serious challenge, the timing of the next election may depend, in part, on the outcome of the CPC leadership race on the 24th.  If the CPC pick a leader who is not sitting in the house as a member (MacKay/Lewis) or is regarded as unelectable/unpalatable as a PM, then Trudeau may roll the dice and drop the writ early in hopes of getting at least a slim majority out of this.  With Parliament prorogued, dropping the writ dissolves it permanently.  The PM won't have to answer any more questions in the house - not that he ever did - for many months.
reverse_engineer said:
Anybody have any insight on how PM Trudeau intends to make Canada a more fair and equitable country?

Perhaps he will start by auctioning his vintage Mercedes?

"No one in the society should be entitled to superfluous or luxury goods until the essentials of life are made available to everyone"

-Pierre Trudeau

Auctioning it? Absolutely not!!

He should donate it to the people of Canada, have it scrapped and made into useful things like KFS sets.
I wager the price for the NDP will be converting CERB to something akin to universal basic income.
Brihard said:
The consequences are electoral. However the minority government dynamic play out, at most they run four years then we’re back to the polls. That’s the ultimate and final accountability in our system. Make you you direct some energy to holding the opposition accountable and making clear your expectation that they offer a viable, electable alternative, and not mere pandering to an overly concentrated base.

That might be hard as (I think) the social conservatives have a large base.

Weinie said:
To quote from a 40 year-old book:

That was then, this is now."

And history repeats itself.
PuckChaser said:
I can't imagine what that'll cost us, not enough zeros exist for that level of debt...

The restart of our economy needs to be green: Freeland on de-carbonization of Canadian economy

It seems a lot of zeros are coming our way.
ModlrMike said:
I wager the price for the NDP will be converting CERB to something akin to universal basic income.

I would wager that the days of 'universal basic income' aren't far off. Automation is leaving millions unemployed and dependent on the welfare state. America's system of greedy capitalism has immersed that country fully into the problem ahead of the world's other capitalist countries that practice 'socially' responsible capitalism.

So which Canadian political party will go there first? Your wager is likely correct for an answer.
shawn5o said:
The restart of our economy needs to be green: Freeland on de-carbonization of Canadian economy

It seems a lot of zeros are coming our way.

The eternal ballet of endless debt
Hamish Seggie said:
Auctioning it? Absolutely not!!

He should donate it to the people of Canada, have it scrapped and made into useful things like KFS sets.

You're right, at least the KFS will be practical as we may well be eating at communal chow halls by the end of the decade...

I wonder how fuel efficient a 1960 Mercedes 300SL is...I'm willing to bet it's not exactly running a "green" engine.

I suppose rules only apply to those who are ruled, not those who rule. But I guess that's nothing new.
All animals Canadians are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Target Up said:
Allanimals Canadians are equal, but some are more equal than others.

:off topic:

Kind of funny you should mention that: George Orwell's Animal Farm was published 75 years ago on 17 August 1945.

Now back to regular programming.
Funny, based on current behaviours, I had the impression that the PM likes The Sound of Silence.

MilEME09 said:
If he ran as a conservative, that would be priceless, would potentially make a good MND too.

The track records of former generals that have also served as MND aren't exactly stellar. McNaughton had a conscription crisis, Pearkes had the Avro Arrow, O'Connor had detainees. Arguably, the skill sets needed to succeed in cabinet are different from those required of very senior officers. To be fair, it might also be argued that all three inherited bad situations, and were placed into them because their military background allowed them to stickhandle the mess better than anyone else available.

It could be stated that our greatest ever MND was Brooke Claxton, who managed the transitions from an almost complete post-WWII demobilzation to the force that fought in Korea and then to Canada's first ever real standing peacetime force. And Claxton wasn't a General, or an Admiral -- his military service was as a Battery Sergeant-Major.
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