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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Brad Sallows said:
Progressives are the most conservative people I know.  They press a point, returning to it at intervals - another debate, another referendum, another piece of legislation -  until they win it and then they come over all conservative: the debate is over, we had the vote, the question is settled, etc.

True that. Conservatives favour a status quo and social or financial stability. Reactionaries favour going back to the way things used to be. At any given time in a generally progressive society (which most western societies tend to be), the progressives either become conservatives or look for new mountains to conquer.

ModlrMike said:
Section 6 of the Constitution might have something to say about that:

6. (1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.

(2) Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a permanent resident of Canada has the right

    a) to move to and take up residence in any province

Yes of course and we don't want to change that ever.
But I was talking about a 'safe place' where the 1% can go so they can keep all their money away from 'other people'. As in the 1% in N.Y. can go to Texas or the Bahamas, and so on.

The US is a more favourable business climate for the very wealthy and so the emphasis of the Conservatives is to make Canada just as favourable. So what's wrong with that?
I have some ideas but I won't get into this any deeper unless some people ask for a deeper discussion. It's not popular enough right now.
Donald H said:
But I was talking about a 'safe place' where the 1% can go so they can keep all their money away from 'other people'. As in the 1% in N.Y. can go to Texas or the Bahamas, and so on.

Which still doesn't answer the questions, what and how?
So the PM has decided to eliminate the sparse sittings of Parliament even more by proroguing during a pandemic with their spending as bad a drunken sailor in a whorehouse. Guess the five days off at the Cottage wasn't enough. Just gets better and better with this PM.  :facepalm:
Donald H said:
Nothing! But the rightist mindset refers to it as stealing and spending other people's money.

And also perhaps, it's more that the Conservatives don't believe in social spending. Canadians should be watching intently what is happening south of the border for an indication of what we could become.

Social programs are fine - as long as they are geared in "needs" and not "wants" and "entitlements".

You're generalizing all conservatives I see.
Prorogue is just a tool in the box.  Voters will eventually be able to express their opinion regarding its use.
Donald H said:
Yes of course and we don't want to change that ever.
But I was talking about a 'safe place' where the 1% can go so they can keep all their money away from 'other people'. As in the 1% in N.Y. can go to Texas or the Bahamas, and so on.

What is so wrong with people wanting to keep the money they earn ?

How is one person entitled to anothers earnings ? 
To quote from the Liberals 2015 campaign platform

We will not resort to legislative tricks to avoid scrutiny.
Steven Harper has used prorogation to avoid difficult political circumstances.
We will not.
To quote from a 40 year-old book:

That was then, this is now."
I’m simply assuming at this point that the deal with NDP is already made to ensure the government survives the throne speech vote.
Brihard said:
I’m simply assuming at this point that the deal with NDP is already made to ensure the government survives the throne speech vote.
I can't imagine what that'll cost us, not enough zeros exist for that level of debt...
Brihard said:
I’m simply assuming at this point that the deal with NDP is already made to ensure the government survives the throne speech vote.

Probably true. It's amazing that so many of the politicians have no problem telling people to go back to work all the while avoiding it themselves.
I'm not going to get upset about Morneau's leaving, his time was obviously up but time will tell how much extra room it has bought the PM to manouver
I made a joke about having the election the same time as the States about a week ago.  With this timeline, it would be pretty close.
Kilted said:
I made a joke about having the election the same time as the States about a week ago.  With this timeline, it would be pretty close.

What would be in it for the NDP?
Brihard said:
What would be in it for the NDP?

A sole-sourced multi-million dollar contract for provision of peer ethics counseling?
Brihard said:
What would be in it for the NDP?

Exactly.  Not going to happen.  the NDP is broke, the leader is fairly weak and the NDP probably get more of what they want with a liberal minority.
Good2Golf said:
A sole-sourced multi-million dollar contract for provision of peer ethics counseling?
Never have I seen such flagrant breaches if ethics and it seems no consequences.
Hamish Seggie said:
Never have I seen such flagrant breaches if ethics and it seems no consequences.

The consequences are electoral. However the minority government dynamic play out, at most they run four years then we’re back to the polls. That’s the ultimate and final accountability in our system. Make you you direct some energy to holding the opposition accountable and making clear your expectation that they offer a viable, electable alternative, and not mere pandering to an overly concentrated base.
Brihard said:
The consequences are electoral.

Not to be cliche but we need to do better than that.

Shady backroom deals, conflicts of interest, ethical breaches, billions of tax payer dollars up in smoke and the only consequences is maybe they don't get re-elected. They'll hardly be out of work, their friends are going to take good care of them.

Our government is a big episode of Survivor.
Anybody have any insight on how PM Trudeau intends to make Canada a more fair and equitable country?

Perhaps he will start by auctioning his vintage Mercedes?

"No one in the society should be entitled to superfluous or luxury goods until the essentials of life are made available to everyone"

-Pierre Trudeau
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