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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Just goes to show how out of touch with too many Canadians the CPC have managed to get then, if they can’t even win against the spectre of that, doesn’t it? Maybe they have to do further soul searching on how to appeal to centrist voters if against even this backdrop, they’re still staring down the barrel of a potential Liberal majority.

I think at this point it’s clear that, absent some really solid underlying policy, simply running on ‘gotcha!’ and controversy won’t cut it.

If the LPC can be on side with this kind of crap and still be lining up wins, that says more about the alternatives than anything.

I think it says more about what people want from politicians. I recently saw a discussion in regards to the WE controversy where people were saying, if it isn't illegal then it isn't a problem. The don't expect good behaviour, they expect them to say the right things and not overtly break the law.
Society is held together by a system of laws, ethics, and morals. If you diminish any one of them, the others don't take up the slack.
Ah yes, the illegitimate election trope, where have we heard that one before...
Nice. I'm sorry, I have a healthy fear of the creeping socialism/communism, loss of free expression, the out of control borrowing and spending. I spent the younger years of my life watching it happen around the world. I ducked and covered at school. I looked across the frontier through a tank gunners sight in the very early 70s Germany, stood sentry against the Red Brigade/ Baader–Meinhof Group. I watched the Castro/Guevara campaigns through Cuba and South America. I even read as much of Mao's Little Red Book as I could stomach, for perspective. I think I know communism when I see it.

And now I'm seeing the same indicators in my own country.

Be the naysayer if you wish, ostracized and humiliate those you think can't see your utopia. It's exactly how the current North American governments cancel people, their opinions and their concerns. Make them irrelevant. Demonise and disaffect them.

However, all the time throwing out your own trope of ridicule without telling anyone why I'm wrong in my thoughts. Just a personal attack on my point of view. Am I right? Am I predicting the future? Am I out to lunch? I don't know. What I do know is the indicators are there and are increasing all the time. The move to the hard left by our neighbors does nothing to end those concerns. Already Biden and Trudeau are moving to combine and syncronize their agendas and steamroll them through without concern for the soveriegn citizens of their respective populations.

But go ahead and ridicule. I'm more than used to your style. Try put some meat on those funny bones before you attack next time.
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Nice. I'm sorry, I have a fear of the creeping socialism, loss of free expression, the out of control borrowing and spending. I spent the younger years of my life watching it happen around the world and now I'm seeing the same indicators in my own country.
Be the naysayer if you wish, ostracized and humiliate those you think can't see your utopia. It's exactly how the current North American governments cancel people, their opinions and their concerns. Make them irrelevant. Demonise and disaffect them.

However, all the time throwing out your own trope of ridicule without telling anyone why I'm
wrong in my thoughts. Just a personal attack on my point of view. Am I right? Am I predicting the future? Am I out to lunch? I don't know. What I do know is the indicators are there and are increasing all the time. The move to the hard left by our neighbors does nothing to end those concerns. Already Biden and Trudeau are moving to combine and syncronize their agendas and steamroll them through without concern for the soveriegn citizens of their respective populations.
But go ahead and ridicule. I'm more than used to your style. Try put some meat on those funny bones before you attack next time.
Forgive me for placing the burden of truth on you for claiming that if the liberals win another majority government that the country will turn into a socialist dictatorship.
Forgive me for placing the burden of truth on you for claiming that if the liberals win another majority government that the country will turn into a socialist dictatorship.
FJ actually answered your question with his concerns. Now the "burden of truth" is back on you with your illegitimate election trope comment.

It's fine to take a side or make a stand. It's not fine to make snide comments about someone's concerns. If you can rebut it, then do so.

Your posting history would seem to indicate that you are a strong supporter of a liberal approach; OK. I could equally call you a zealot or useful idiot and attach several dozens of your previous posts to substantiate my position. I would prefer to engage you and others on this forum in a dialogue, and potentially educate all of us.
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Nice. I'm sorry, I have a healthy fear of the creeping socialism/communism, loss of free expression, the out of control borrowing and spending. I spent the younger years of my life watching it happen around the world. I ducked and covered at school. I looked across the frontier through a tank gunners sight in the very early 70s Germany, stood sentry against the Red Brigade/ Baader–Meinhof Group. I watched the Castro/Guevara campaigns through Cuba and South America. I even read as much of Mao's Little Red Book as I could stomach, for perspective. I think I know communism when I see it.

And now I'm seeing the same indicators in my own country.

Be the naysayer if you wish, ostracized and humiliate those you think can't see your utopia. It's exactly how the current North American governments cancel people, their opinions and their concerns. Make them irrelevant. Demonise and disaffect them.

However, all the time throwing out your own trope of ridicule without telling anyone why I'm wrong in my thoughts. Just a personal attack on my point of view. Am I right? Am I predicting the future? Am I out to lunch? I don't know. What I do know is the indicators are there and are increasing all the time. The move to the hard left by our neighbors does nothing to end those concerns. Already Biden and Trudeau are moving to combine and syncronize their agendas and steamroll them through without concern for the soveriegn citizens of their respective populations.

But go ahead and ridicule. I'm more than used to your style. Try put some meat on those funny bones before you attack next time.
Done. I've modified my previous post to expand my one sided conversation with you, in an attempt to give you more grist for your mill.
FJ actually answered your question with his concerns. Now the "burden of truth" is back on you with your illegitimate election trope comment.
Concerns =/= truth

What evidence is there of this other than concerns?

That said, it's so utterly ridiculous I'm going to go off and do other things rather than discuss canada somehow turning into Venezuela if the libs win another majority government.
Concerns =/= truth

What evidence is there of this other than concerns?

That said, it's so utterly ridiculous I'm going to go off and do other things rather than discuss canada somehow turning into Venezuela if the libs win another majority government.
I updated my post above.

It is said that Perception = reality.

What is utterly ridiculous is for you to trash a poster, get called on it, and then decide that you are taking your ball and going home. I simply asked that you rebut his concerns. Your failure to even contemplate this COA would confirm my zealot comment above.
The only thing that marks a difference in the players is the perception of their credibility for that "brief, brief moment" when the electorate tires of one group and accepts the bullshit of another.
My approach to Canadian politics is non-partisan. Does Canada have term limits? If not, perhaps something for "the powers that be" to consider. PMJT is on his third president.
I updated my post above.

It is said that Perception = reality.

What is utterly ridiculous is for you to trash a poster, get called on it, and then decide that you are taking your ball and going home. I simply asked that you rebut his concerns. Your failure to even contemplate this COA would confirm my zealot comment above.
If this pandemic has taught me anything, it's that my time is precious.

I could use it to do things I enjoy doing or spend it trying in vain to convince FJ that the liberals winning another majority would no more lead to a socialist dictatorship than if the Conservatives winning a majority would lead to a fascist dictatorship.

I have no interest in trying to bash my head against a brick wall, I used all my GAF on trying to convince him that there was no evidence of electoral fraud in the US election.
If this pandemic has taught me anything, it's that my time is precious.

I could use it to do things I enjoy doing or spend it trying in vain to convince FJ that the liberals winning another majority would no more lead to a socialist dictatorship than if the Conservatives winning a majority would lead to a fascist dictatorship.

I have no interest in trying to bash my head against a brick wall, I used all my GAF on trying to convince him that there was no evidence of electoral fraud in the US election.
Fair enough. Your time is yours.

But if you don't want to bash your head against a brick wall, then maybe don't throw bricks either.
Fair enough. Your time is yours.

But if you don't want to bash your head against a brick wall, then maybe don't throw bricks either.
It was a mere scouting attempt to see if FJ realized how(in my opinion) ridiculous that sounded, upon meeting heavy resistance I came to the conclusion that it was not worth it and disengaged
It was a mere scouting attempt to see if FJ realized how(in my opinion) ridiculous that sounded, upon meeting heavy resistance I came to the conclusion that it was not worth it and disengaged
Fine, recce away.

You still are engaging, now with me, and you still haven't addressed his points. As such, now I am disengaging.
I've never been a huge fan of Minister's resigning over errors in their Ministry but this is a pretty clear case in my mind where the Minister should resign, however I am not holding my breath
The PM isn't going to sacrifice a high profile, long serving Minister from a visible minority community in a Liberal stronghold during the run-up to an election.
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