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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Fine, recce away.

You still are engaging, now with me, and you still haven't addressed his points. As such, now I am disengaging.
If this pandemic has taught me anything, it's that my time is precious.

I could use it to do things I enjoy doing or spend it trying in vain to convince FJ that the liberals winning another majority would no more lead to a socialist dictatorship than if the Conservatives winning a majority would lead to a fascist dictatorship.

I have no interest in trying to bash my head against a brick wall, I used all my GAF on trying to convince him that there was no evidence of electoral fraud in the US election.
Still stating your opinion as fact. Energizer bunny just keeps going and going and.............ignored.
The PM isn't going to sacrifice a high profile, long serving Minister from a visible minority community in a Liberal stronghold during the run-up to an election.
Absolutely. O’Toole and his team should use that to their advantage though.
Forgive me for placing the burden of truth on you for claiming that if the liberals win another majority government that the country will turn into a socialist dictatorship.
I don't agree with him but how can you place the burden of proof with him over something that hasn't happened yet? He said he fears it could happen. It isn't something that can be proven until it either happens or doesn’t.

He can make his case and persuade you, or not, but it is literally impossible for him to give any type of proof.
I don't agree with him but how can you place the burden of proof with him over something that hasn't happened yet? He said he fears it could happen. It isn't something that can be proven until it either happens or doesn’t.

He can make his case and persuade you, or not, but it is literally impossible for him to give any type of proof.
While something may not have yet happened there can be evidence presented that something may happen.

So what evidence is there for Canada turning into a socialist dictatorship if the liberals win a majority in the next election?

FJ didn't present any. Just unfounded concerns.

Which is why I didn't bother getting into it with them, because when someone feels a certain way with no evidence other than feelings, no amount of evidence to the contrary would satisfy them. So why waste my time?
While something may not have yet happened there can be evidence presented that something may happen.

So what evidence is there for Canada turning into a socialist dictatorship if the liberals win a majority in the next election?

FJ didn't present any. Just unfounded concerns.

Which is why I didn't bother getting into it with them, because when someone feels a certain way with no evidence other than feelings, no amount of evidence to the contrary would satisfy them. So why waste my time?
So you have taken the Schrödinger's cat approach.

Take a stance, and support it with facts, rather than ad hominem attacks. Rebut his conjecture, run rings around him logically. Otherwise, your postings merit no more consideration than his, but at least he presented an argument.

You keep talking about how time is precious to you. The time required to put this issue to rest is likely then worth it to you.
, because when someone feels a certain way with no evidence other than feelings, no amount of evidence to the contrary would satisfy them.

Reminds me of something I read on here about party politics from another member.

"They don't care about the data because it doesn't address their issues, their feelings."

( Italics from the original post. )
So you have taken the Schrödinger's cat approach.

Take a stance, and support it with facts, rather than ad hominem attacks. Rebut his conjecture, run rings around him logically. Otherwise, your postings merit no more consideration than his, but at least he presented an argument.

You keep talking about how time is precious to you. The time required to put this issue to rest is likely then worth it to you.
I did this for days and a dozen posts about the US election and I think the man is still of the opinion that the election was fraudulent. So...no.

I don't enjoy doing that, and their opinion doesn't change so there is no point.

Explaining my position is a net neutral for me so I'll spend the time doing it. Once it gets to the point where it's not ill stop that too.
So what evidence is there for Canada turning into a socialist dictatorship if the liberals win a majority in the next election?

"Socialist" and "dictatorship" represent extremes, but Canada is not uniformly moving along a vector towards increasing liberty. There have been some important advances in extending human rights to all humans, but the constant ankle-biting nannyism is starting to add up.
"Socialist" and "dictatorship" represent extremes, but Canada is not uniformly moving along a vector towards increasing liberty. There have been some important advances in extending human rights to all humans, but the constant ankle-biting nannyism is starting to add up.

Dictatorship is a bit extreme, agreed, but I think you are 100% spot-on that we are not, and will not, move along a vector of increasing liberty. I wouldn't even add the caveat of "uniformly". A lot of the "advances in extending human rights" aren't really granting of liberty so much as awarding of certain privileges and preferential treatment which isn't the same thing as liberty at all. If anything it may be another form of subtle dependence on the state/servitude.

Meanwhile on the other hand, I think we can expect to see more of the same ...

  • A court case is decided in a manner that the woke people don't like, so they take away more rights from all citizens -- for example, the changes to jury selection laws in the wake of Gerald Stanley's acquittal by a jury. Or the new "guilty until proven innocent" and presumptive (albeit rebuttable) prohibitions on defence leading exculpatory evidence in sex assault trials in the wake of Jian Ghomeshi's acquittal.
  • The war on firearms owners continues, with more confiscations and more firearms being outlawed, with an ultimate end game (if the LPC has enough consecutive majorities) of complete outlawing of firearms.
  • More redistribution of wealth -- increased taxes and then spending that money on ideologically motivated projects.

In fairness, as to point #1, the CPC was certainly not innocent of this. Although they tended not to react to outrage among the media and ignorance of what actually happened in court cases, they at least under Harper had a general tendency towards laws that made convictions easier to obtain and sentences higher.

Again, "Socialist Dictatorship" is a bit of an overstatement. But I think it is fair to say that a continued, sharp turn towards the authoritarian (in nanny state "for your own good" guise) and socially leftist part of the political compass is assured upon the election of another LPC government. Whereas I think as usual we can expect four years of the status quo established during the previous Liberal rule can be anticipated in the event of a CPC victory. Those who claim the CPC will turn Canada into a "Handmaid's Tale" style nightmare have not paid close attention to the inactivity every time the CPC has been in power.
In order to drop the ball they would have at least been able to pick it up first.....I think history will judge the federal Govt. very harshly on so many things in 20 years.

In order to drop the ball they would have at least been able to pick it up first.....I think history will judge the federal Govt. very harshly on so many things in 20 years.

Toronto will allow people over the age of 70 to book an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at a city-run clinic as of tomorrow.

Mayor John Tory announced the change on Friday afternoon as he revealed that there are 30,000 vaccination appointments still available at city-run clinics next week.

Lack of supply, but city of Toronto is scrambling to fill appointments.


This describes me. I will probably vote Tory only because Trudeau isn’t their leader. But their increasing use of Trumpist-like rhetoric, habit of picking useless but ham-fisted ideological battles and failure to acknowledge certain inconvenient facts (which all parties are guilty of) leave me cold. I used to view the Tories as, if nothing else, serious. Now I don’t see any serious parties in Canada.

This describes me. I will probably vote Tory only because Trudeau isn’t their leader. But their increasing use of Trumpist-like rhetoric, habit of picking useless but ham-fisted ideological battles and failure to acknowledge certain inconvenient facts (which all parties are guilty of) leave me cold. I used to view the Tories as, if nothing else, serious. Now I don’t see any serious parties in Canada.
As I have said previously, I am socially progressive and fiscally conservative.

The priority for me social so I vote liberal, although I wish for balanced budgets.

That said, since no serious party has a path to balance I only have social issues to go off of.

I actually had hopes for the PPC to be anti government in the lives of the citizens, while fiscally conservatives but they just decided the best thing to do was be the home of the social conservatives. A libertarian party that is anti abortion is quite the paradox to me.
The priority for me social so I vote liberal

Would you be interested in expanding on that a bit more? What kind of social issues lead you down that path?
It seems to me the liberal party in power right now is the most unethical one in our history. What social things ahvr you so entrenched with the LPC?
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