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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - 2025

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Taking credit for things he didn't do? Carney? He wouldn't do that...would he? 😉

Did you like it more or less than when he announced he'll be canceling the GST on new homes that cost under a $1M? 😅
Or taking credit for balancing Paul Martin's budget in the 90s, when he didn't work for the federal government until 2004.
At his meeting with the premieres he stated he was open to replacing it
I have a feeling it'll be similar to the carbon tax scheme for the provinces...

"Come up with your own emissions cap that fits this regulation we've come up with, or we'll impose our own emissions cap on you instead..."

And depending on what that cap is set at, a province like Alberta will get slaughtered by it. Heck even Newfoundland could get decimated by it depending on what it gets set at

(And given how committed he is to 'Net Zero' I'm guessing the cap is going to be set painfully low...)
Or taking credit for balancing Paul Martin's budget in the 90s, when he didn't work for the federal government until 2004.
Or how he helped us skirt past the 2008 financial crisis relatively unscathed, when it was our stricter banking regulations (that were in place long before he came around) & some smart policy maneuvering from the other economist in the room at the time (Harper)
In 2015 we chose a pm based upon a series of selfies, colourful socks and enticing words. In so doing we rejected a good leader who was just not bubbly enough. The following story is re-told to caution myself, at least of the dangers of listening to a person who simply tells me what I want to hear. It is my tuppence to add to the debate.
The story is told of a person who died and, somewhat to his surprise, arrived at the gates of Heaven where he was greeted by Peter. His delight at making it to Heaven was somewhat deflated when Peter explained that it wasn't a sure thing. He must first spend a day in Heaven and afterwards a day in Hell. Then he would have to make a choice; which was it to be for eternity.
His day in Heaven was, well, heavenly. The food was divine, the wine superb and everyone he met was friendly and open and sincere. All conversation was free of rancor and all actions were considerate of their impact on others. When he met up with Peter at the end of the day he expressed his desire to remain in Heaven but Peter said that he must complete his comparson and with that he was suddenly in Hell. To his surprise he was greeted by 3 old buddies who whisked him off to a superb 18 hole golf course followed by ribs and beer by the gallon and fantastic rock music to which everyone danced until the wee hours of the morning: it was party time.
That morning he reluctantly informed Peter that he had made his choice. He wanted to return to hell. Heaven just wasn't as much fun. Before the words were out of his mouth he found himself back in hell but what a difference. His buddies were dragging sacks around gathering ashes from the fires. Everything was grey and no one was smiling. All were chained together. When satan started to attach a leg iron to his ankle he spoke up complaining that this wasn't part of the bargain to which he received the chilling reply: yesterday we were negotiating; today you signed a contract.
In 2015 we chose a pm based upon a series of selfies, colourful socks and enticing words. In so doing we rejected a good leader who was just not bubbly enough.

It really is mind boggling how many Canadians (or lack there of due to recent turnouts) vote based on a candidates appearance and personality, rather than reading through the party platform. Canadians are dumb.
FTFY. When he was PM, everything became a priority and he lost his focus, hence his not winning the most massive majority in history that was forecasted prior to him turfing Chrétien.

Otherwise, you’re spot-on. 😉
I think I was between high school and uni at the time, so memory of it was somewhat spotty, but thought he made some pretty deep cuts as Finance Minister and stuck to some of those as PM and that killed his popularity, along with some other unpopular (but necessary) decisions he took. Wasn't really paying much attention to politics really so likely not accurate but that's what my thought process was, that he made some tough decisions that were a bitter pill, and Canadians turfed him for it.
CONCLUSION: And THAT is why the media isn't covering this more, because it's a nothing burger.

Is it a northing burger or have we just let corruption and not being held accountable become normalized for us?

$1B green slush fund with little to no oversight. Auditor General finds "significant lapses" in the $1-billion fund's governance.

The government entrusted $400 million to yet another company with fucked up accounting, shitty practices and questionable accountability. Standard SOP. Their former CEO gave her own company $200k. Not $1 was returned, shocker.

$59m is given to 10 companies that aren't even eligible to recieve money. Again, not even $1 is returned.

SDTC was so poorly managed the government had no other option that to shut it down.

Did some of it go into the pockets of MPs? No idea. MPs surprisingly passed a motion for the documents to be handed over to the Law Clerk who would then give them to the RCMP to initiate an investigation. The government refuses to hand over documents. Issue grinds Parliament to a halt.

We normalized corruption in the Canadian government.
Did some of it go into the pockets of MPs? No idea. MPs surprisingly passed a motion for the documents to be handed over to the Law Clerk who would then give them to the RCMP to initiate an investigation. The government refuses to hand over documents. Issue grinds Parliament to a halt.

We normalized corruption in the Canadian government.
So it's assumed corruption, just like Pierre's security clearance
Exactly MilEME. Until Poilievre gets a security clearance Canadians have no right to question all the missing billions of dollars over the last 10 years. Hell it's probably in Poilievres bank account.
Optics is everything is everything in politics. The security clearance isn't a good loom, especially when Carney got his within a couple weeks. Poilievre saying he wants small government but having a 70 minister shadow cabinet doesn't look good either.
Optics is everything is everything in politics.
Which is why Poilievre stopped wearing glasses. He's trying to change the topic and create a distraction (which is always suspicious, right?)
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I think I was between high school and uni at the time, so memory of it was somewhat spotty, but thought he made some pretty deep cuts as Finance Minister and stuck to some of those as PM and that killed his popularity, along with some other unpopular (but necessary) decisions he took. Wasn't really paying much attention to politics really so likely not accurate but that's what my thought process was, that he made some tough decisions that were a bitter pill, and Canadians turfed him for it.
Part of the balancing formula was to cut transfers to provinces and leave them to figure out how to deal with it. Revenues were growing handily and debt servicing costs were falling and the budget would have balanced in a few more years anyways. Martin was the "hero who slew the deficit".

Later, NDP and Liberals demanded Harper meet the 2009 2%-of-GDP spending "stimulus" target and not re-balance the budget on the backs of people and provinces (ie. without cutting transfers). He complied, and they reviled him for the "biggest spending ever" (so far, since it tends to increase almost monotonically) and subsequent deficits.

Aside from their opportunism and hypocrisy, stories the NDP and Liberals tell about government finances usually can't be trusted.
Optics is everything is everything in politics. The security clearance isn't a good loom, especially when Carney got his within a couple weeks. Poilievre saying he wants small government but having a 70 minister shadow cabinet doesn't look good either.
A shadow cabinet means nothing and is good practice for potential ministers. The size of an actual cabinet can't be judged until he names one.
It really is mind boggling how many Canadians (or lack there of due to recent turnouts) vote based on a candidates appearance and personality, rather than reading through the party platform. Canadians are dumb.
It seems we're not alone.

I particularly like how he announced he was canceling the capital gains tax increase, when that law never passed and died when Parliament was prorogued.
Perhaps he felt a need to send a message to the CRA who have been operating like the change was in place and the matter is now in the court. Seeing as it is 'tax time' there is a ton of confusion out there right now.

From the article:

in November the CRA announced that while the capital gains tax increase had yet to be formally adopted by Parliament, it would begin administering the capital gains tax as of June 25, 2024.
More activists in carneys team

Not unexpected from Quebec, but let's see if she's win or gets a cabinet seat
Not unexpected from Quebec, but let's see if she's win or gets a cabinet seat
I'd posted about this upthread and in the Gun Control thread yesterday. The Montréal region is ground zero for the gun control movement in Canada. She's in a safe Liberal riding where the incumbent has chosen not to run again.

It will be interesting to see if Wendy Cukier from the Coalition for Gun Control jumps in for the Liberals in the GTA. To be honest, I'm surprised it took the anti-gunners this long to get involved in federal politics at this level.
It will be interesting to see if Wendy Cukier from the Coalition for Gun Control jumps in for the Liberals in the GTA. To be honest, I'm surprised it took the anti-gunners this long to get involved in federal politics at this level.
I hope they get seats if only to constantly annoy everyone blathering on about gun control.
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