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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

Equilivant of flying 3 times around the planet. Maybe the Pope was hiding evidence all over Canada and the PM was going behind him and collecting it.

On the bright side it looks like Trudeau may have finally learned a lesson or two. I'm reading he checked with the ethics commissioner before going on vacation just to make sure he wasn't breaking any rules.
Canada is a big place. Ottawa to Edmonton is what 3500Kms one way? So 7000kms just for that. Then Ottawa to Quebec another 1000km. Looking at his schedule he took a trip to PEI. And another one to Kamloops. I did not peruse the whole thing though. He’s in Costa Rica right now. Looks like vacation time.

I Pretty much logged more than 26000kms of flight time in a month for work. Doesn’t take long to accumulate with a few cross country flights.
A fair point.
I wouldn't consider Warren capable of providing an unbiased view. My best guess is that they will either support their local person or simply abstain. Singh has already given them the motivation: why vote at all when your party is only going to side with the libs anyway
I wouldn't consider Warren capable of providing an unbiased view. My best guess is that they will either support their local person or simply abstain. Singh has already given them the motivation: why vote at all when your party is only going to side with the libs anyway
The NDP a have shown the ability and will to strategically vote. Warren Kinsella is no fan of Trudeau but even he can see that it might be a possibility if PP becomes leader.
Stick to Kilometres, Tactical: Planet = 40,000 Km - Trudeau = 26,000 Km. Barelly more than half around the planet in the world's second largest country. No big deal.

The other way the article exagerates: Time in the air "All but eleven day" !!! If you divide the distance run by the average speed of Chalenger/Polaris, including take off and landing, he may have been "in the air" for about 48 hours. That's hardly near the twenty days the author makes it sound like. Just because you fly on one given day doesn't mean you spent the whole day in the air or flying (especially when you consider that the PM doesn't have to be at the airport five hours before hand or wait for 12 hours to get his luggage at the other end).

I am no fan of Trudeau, but that is a terrible article and a completely biased presentation.
Huh? The planet is 21600 NM around... 26Mm is about... half of that.
You caught me just quoting the article.
It's 21600 NM at the equator. I'm guessing their math was starting in Canada and flying over Europe and Asia, landing back in Canada? That would be shorter than following the equator.
I am no fan of Trudeau, but that is a terrible article and a completely biased presentation.

Flying back and forth cross country to "plant trees" and do photo ops (minus the pope stuff) when preaching climate change so hard seems a little hypocritical to me but I'll conceded, it's still a weak and biased article.
Flying back and forth cross country to "plant trees" and do photo ops (minus the pope stuff) when preaching climate change so hard seems a little hypocritical to me but I'll conceded, it's still a weak and biased article.
Problem is that if he takes the train everywhere he goes, people'll complain "why the hell isn't he in Ottawa working?!?!"
I find any of the discourse around “what does he do?” or how much the PM travels pretty silly. This is not defence of Trudeau; any PM has a super crappy job, is basically always in the loop and on the clock, constantly travelling, and cramming bits of disparate work and decision making into every two minute gap. There’s a reason they have drivers, fly direct in an RCAF jet, etc. you can be sure that even on ‘vacation’ there will be frequent interruptions and issues. Same for Harper, or Martin, or Mulroney. They’re constantly bouncing around because there are endless things needing doing and commanding their attention.
I find any of the discourse around “what does he do?” or how much the PM travels pretty silly. This is not defence of Trudeau; any PM has a super crappy job, is basically always in the loop and on the clock, constantly travelling, and cramming bits of disparate work and decision making into every two minute gap. There’s a reason they have drivers, fly direct in an RCAF jet, etc. you can be sure that even on ‘vacation’ there will be frequent interruptions and issues. Same for Harper, or Martin, or Mulroney. They’re constantly bouncing around because there are endless things needing doing and commanding their attention.

Yes. Like spending time travelling on reconcili-vacations.... ;)

Can't do that 'cause the train don't run here anymore. I do hope though that he is using the challengers more than the Polaris
VERY true that, but he could get from larger centres to other larger centres - and given VIA's long-rationalized routing (away from the north shore of Lake Superior), he could hit Sioux Lookout at o-dark-30 if he wanted :)
I find any of the discourse around “what does he do?” or how much the PM travels pretty silly. This is not defence of Trudeau; any PM has a super crappy job, is basically always in the loop and on the clock, constantly travelling, and cramming bits of disparate work and decision making into every two minute gap. There’s a reason they have drivers, fly direct in an RCAF jet, etc. you can be sure that even on ‘vacation’ there will be frequent interruptions and issues. Same for Harper, or Martin, or Mulroney. They’re constantly bouncing around because there are endless things needing doing and commanding their attention.
I'm sure you'll see this rationale cut/pasted by those now criticizing current management when they respond to those who may have similar concerns about future Team Blue management :)
I'm sure you'll see this rationale cut/pasted by those now criticizing current management when they respond to those who may have similar concerns about future Team Blue management :)

I doubt it. Trudeau gets extra criticism because he and his supporters are giant hypocrites. He wants to price you out of your bad habits (anything that involves pollution) while he galivants to Costa Rica or Whistler spewing more pollution than a medium sized city does in a year, just to ski or surf.