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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

Ya know it's bad when ...

A usually-reddish columnist, via the bought-and-paid-for Toronto Star, with the latest prognostication
Archive link also here

I'm not sure they can avoid the truth anymore. Bought and paid or not.
I'm not sure they can avoid the truth anymore. Bought and paid or not.
Especially if that's what they're hearing from Team Red insiders & fellow travellers, right?

I'm hearing all sorts of Team Red partisan commentators saying it's either time to go, or - as an extreme measure - step up, dump the carbon tax, take the one-time hit, and work towards different climate initiatives. Yeah, yeah, I know - dare to dream ...
I'm not sure they can avoid the truth anymore. Bought and paid or not.
The bought media will always operate in their own best interests. For a long time that was unconditionally promoting Trudeau... if current public sentiment is to be considered, it's now in the bought media's best interest to create distance from the Trudeau disaster to try and save some semblance of credibility in political reporting to try and minimize impact to them later. "See? We said negative things too sometimes!"
The bought media will always operate in their own best interests. For a long time that was unconditionally promoting Trudeau... if current public sentiment is to be considered, it's now in the bought media's best interest to create distance from the Trudeau disaster to try and save some semblance of credibility in political reporting to try and minimize impact to them later. "See? We said negative things too sometimes!"

Especially if the probably winner wants to pull public funding from news and media outlets.
Especially if that's what they're hearing from Team Red insiders & fellow travellers, right?

I'm hearing all sorts of Team Red partisan commentators saying it's either time to go, or - as an extreme measure - step up, dump the carbon tax, take the one-time hit, and work towards different climate initiatives. Yeah, yeah, I know - dare to dream ...

I'm also picking up on a lot of international movement away from Net Zero and the Green Agenda. Apparently wars have a greater ability to grab attention and refocus their concerns.

If you start from the premise that those who want to lead have to have a reason for people to follow them it seems that having to by a new wardrobe to manage climate change and worrying about diverse micro-aggressions takes a back seat to contemplating nuclear war in real time and actual macro-aggressions.

A different sort of leader is needed.
I'm also picking up on a lot of international movement away from Net Zero and the Green Agenda. Apparently wars have a greater ability to grab attention and refocus their concerns.
Not in Canada. Discussion on the Free Trade Agreement Canada/Ukraine. There is a Carbon Tax in the Agreement! A requirement in the Agreement for a country at war!
Watch the Minister. Unable to answer the simplest questions including is CO2 pollution.

is carbon dioxide pollution ?​


The federal government is pushing an aggressive emissions reduction strategy that could devastate the Canadian economy and threaten our way of life. This isn’t just about the oil and gas industry. Port-related industries, transportation, infrastructure, health and education, and countless other sectors will be collateral damage. As will the standard of living of everyday Canadians.
I suspect what we are seeing is a test the waters cuts. Remember that this is for this current fiscal year so my guess is not to disrupt to many things on the go.

There is a lot of talk in various places about « other » things on the way.
The bought media will always operate in their own best interests. For a long time that was unconditionally promoting Trudeau... if current public sentiment is to be considered, it's now in the bought media's best interest to create distance from the Trudeau disaster to try and save some semblance of credibility in political reporting to try and minimize impact to them later. "See? We said negative things too sometimes!"
Too late. They've lost the trust of the population. It will take something extraordinarily spectacular to regain that. Most will go back to working within their advertising profits. The CBC is all but finished. They have no idea how to operate as a for profit media outlet, sans taxpayer welfare.
It seems that bribery didn't work this time...

Well when the solution was right there all along and wasn't taken earlier because "reasons"... doesn't necessarily make it look like the LPC are doing them a solid; more like the LPC caved when someone called them out on it.

Makes one wonder how many other "easy fixes" are being withheld as political trump cards for the Election 2025 battle, and how many of them will be played early to avoid Election 2024....
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It seems that bribery didn't work this time...

It's.... Beautiful....

Well when the solution was right there all along and wasn't taken earlier because "reasons"... doesn't necessarily make it look like the LPC are doing them a solid; more like the LPC caved when someone called them out on it.

Makes one wonder how many other "easy fixes" are being withheld as political trump cards for the Election 2025 battle, and how many of them will be played early to avoid Election 2024....

I bet firearms legislation is in there somewhere...