ModlrMike said:I think they've misplaced the decimal one digit to the right.
Justin Trudeau’s opening speech did not prove his popularity is deserved
Special to The Globe and Mail
Published Wednesday, Oct. 03 2012
If Justin Trudeau’s launch event was about proving that he could declare his intention to seek the highest elected office in Canada and not stumble out of the gate, a B grade would be fair.
However, if the point was to prove that his popularity is deserved, because he has what it takes to win a general election and go on to be a great Prime Minister, the speech was no better than a D.
This first event of his race did little to improve his chances of winning, but he and his advisers were probably hoping it simply didn’t harm those prospects. His team gave him a safe speech, and he delivered it without incident.
But for a party that must find a way to command a place at the centre of the country’s political debate, last night offered something between faint hope, and a bit of hope.
Mr. Trudeau’s speech proved that he is fluent in four languages: French and English, Politics and Liberal. For a man whose stated mission is to replace worn out, stilted politics with something new and dynamic, the speech contained more than a few off-the-shelf bromides. That doesn’t make it a bad speech, only one with a rather glaring internal inconsistency. Apart from an awkward reference to the BlackBerry, it was the kind of big P political speech that could have been heard at any time in the last several decades.
Mr. Trudeau also showed his comfort with the dialect that Liberals have used to rally each other for decades. Great effort was paid to remind people of the Goldilocks DNA of the party: not too right, left, blue, green or red, just the right amount of whatever you are looking for.
This positioning of course is the secret sauce of Canadian politics, except that it’s not really a secret anymore. In any event, voters have heard it so often they actually need more substance to know what it means and whether they can trust it.
Mr. Trudeau’s stated reason for not talking about big ideas or even small solutions is that he’s not presenting himself as the person with all the answers. This might turn out to be enough to win the leadership, and if so, that would be unhappy news for those voters looking for a credible option between the Conservatives and the NDP. Not having all the answers is not a great argument for presenting none.
The most interesting part of this speech may have come when Mr. Trudeau asked voters last night to trust him, trust him like they would trust a neighbour with their spare key. I don’t know about you, but of my nearest 10 neighbours, there are few I would trust with my spare key, and I trust them because they let me know more about the kind of people they are than Justin Trudeau seemed willing, or perhaps able, to do last night.
Trust is a currency voters seldom tender these days. To do so, they need to be convinced that there is something very real, and unusually important on offer: huge competency, a tested and impressive character, a powerful idea, some very clear goals.
As I watched, hoping to get a better feel for what makes Mr. Trudeau tick, I kept remembering the notion of how great acting is recognized: it doesn’t look like acting. I couldn’t help but feel that great effort was put into avoiding spontaneity and risk, which in the end revealed that Mr. Trudeau had moves, not so much “like Jagger,” but rather like so many politicians who had preceded him.
It’s courageous of Mr. Trudeau to declare that trust is what he’s seeking, and it’s a good thing: Canadian politics would well served if the ballot question in the next election were: which of these leaders do you trust the most, rather than which outcome do you most want to avoid.
Mr. Trudeau’s idea is to make politics feel more authentic, more true to its original purpose, less of a caricature of itself. But the staging, substance and style of last night’s event seemed not much of a departure from the norm. Which, ironically, is both a measure of its modest success, and its partial failure.
Bruce Anderson is one of Canada’s leading pollsters and communications strategists. He is a member of the CBC’s popular At Issue Panel, a regular Globe blogger, and Senior Adviser with NATIONAL Public Relations.
Sadly, I suspect that this is how the election will ultimately be framed.E.R. Campbell said:BRUCE ANDERSON
Special to The Globe and Mail
Canadian politics would well served if the ballot question in the next election were: which of these leaders do you trust the most, rather than which outcome do you most want to avoid
Jim Seggie said:I'm a Westerner....born there, raised there.
The name "Trudeau" evokes pretty powerful memories - not good ones - of "fuddle duddle" , the middle finger and the NEP in the early 80s.
I am not all that fond of Mr. Trudeau, younger or his father....
Kelly McParland: Justin mimics Ignatieff with early foray to Alberta
Kelly McParland | Oct 2, 2012 12:30 PM ET
...and luxuriant locks... seriously? :
"A couple of years later he was comparing Stephen Harper to the devil and insulting anyone who voted for him (as in almost all of Alberta)."
Jim Seggie said:I'm a Westerner....born there, raised there.
The name "Trudeau" evokes pretty powerful memories - not good ones - of "fuddle duddle" , the middle finger and the NEP in the early 80s.
I am not all that fond of Mr. Trudeau, younger or his father....
True westerners are.bridges said:...I just don't want to promote the idea that some easterners seem to betray, of westerners being a homogeneous lot.
bridges said:Me too, on the westerner part.We don't all have the same politics - I just don't want to promote the idea that some easterners seem to betray, of westerners being a homogeneous lot.
PMedMoe said:Did you mean portray? Just curious.....
bridges said:Nope, I meant betray = reveal involuntarily, through comments & assumptions. Not everyone, not all the time. Bit of a pet peeve and I might be hypersensitive to it.;D
There, there, little girl; don't you worry your pretty little head with all this man talk. >PMedMoe said:Politics.... :boring:
Journeyman said:There, there, little girl; don't you worry your pretty little head with all this man talk. >
Yes, I know other females are participating in this discussion.....and that they can vote and everything! :stirpot:
Mulroney called Trudeau a "talented" and "fine young man," adding that the 40-year-old MP's "youth is an advantage."
"People who trivialize his achievements and hold out little hope for his prospects ought to be very careful," said Mulroney in an interview with the CBC's Amanda Lang. "Life doesn't work that way. And there are always surprises in political life. And he's capable of delivering a major one if they underestimate him."
However, Trudeau's lack of experience as a critic on a major policy file is considered by some to be a weakness in his leadership bid.
Still, Mulroney cautioned rival parties to "be careful."
"This is not an untalented guy," he said. "I was Opposition leader when his father was prime minister. And we didn't agree on anything. But I can tell you this, he was a very tough, able guy and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree … if I were leading a political party up there I'd treat him with considerable respect."
more in linkIt was Trudeau’s father who brought in the National Energy Program, which was widely hated by Albertans and is often blamed for why the party does so poorly in the province. The initiative sought to give more control over the energy industry to the federal government.
“I promise you I will never use the wealth of the west as a wedge to gain votes in the east,” said Trudeau, drawing the biggest applause of the speech.
“It is wrong to use our natural wealth to divide Canadians against one another, it was the wrong way to govern Canada in the past. It is the wrong way today and it will be the wrong way in the future. It's not the politics of division that help make Canada strong.”
E.R. Campbell said:Very smart move on Justin Trudeau's part: forcefully repudiate his father's National Energy Policy and, at the same time, distance himself from Thomas Mulcair and contest some political key terrain, provincial rights, with Stephen Harper.
Crantor said:True. What I think I am seeiing is Trudeau defining himself before someone else does. I have to admit, going to Alberta first was ballsy and smart!. It looks like he's treating this leadership race as one that involves all Canadians and not just the party faithful.