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US Presidential Election 2024 - Trump vs Harris - Vote Hard with a Vengence

Why do you and so many others think he had to be coerced out? Biden seems like he genuinely wants what's best for the country. Trump=bad for the country. Ergo, if Biden can't beat em, stepping away for someone who can seems like the patriotic thing to do. Or does the idea of selflessness not register within Trump supporters?
Because he resisted stepping aside for so long, and his reactions ranged from irritation to anger when people proposed he step aside.

It's possible he had a change of heart for the "good of the country", but it's probable he was threatened with something unpleasant.
I’m still confused why GOP supporters are crying foul over Biden dropping out.
Why does anyone react irrationally when they think a sure thing has been denied them?
Why couldn’t the GOP take the win and then focus on Harris?
Some are, just as some are having a hard time letting go of Biden.
Having the narrative that the Dems are attacking each other (they’re not - Biden dropping out has been a rally for the Dems) takes time and space from attacking her policies.
The attacks stopped once Biden stepped aside. Prior to that, the airing of laundry was ugly. They'll get one more polling "bounce" when Trump is sentenced. If things slide after that, wait and see if the "shoulda kept Biden" or "shoulda had an open convention" factions air more laundry. Surely it's obvious that some of the enthusiasm is forced?
And the Republicans are still papering things over.

I never cease being amazed at how delusional they are about Trump - particularly when they had some decent options.

I'm wondering what event will finally be "too egregious for the amount of whitewashing" of Trump's glaring inadequacies so that they'll be "forced into 'changing course'."
Trump's history is an open book; realistically almost no flaw goes un-investigated or unreported. Republicans had an open primary; Trump was chosen by primary voters. Nothing to be papered over.
I doubt it will happen when Trump finally says the N-word in public, but we're getting closer to finding out every day:

You have to be kidding or mixing it up with Biden.

Look at Trump’s history with the black community and then look at Biden’s. (Hint: even Harris called Biden a racist). These are easy things to follow up on, otherwise you're voluntarily maintaining a state of propaganda victimhood.

It’s never a surprise just how uninformed some of the anti-trump crowd is.
You have to be kidding or mixing it up with Biden.

Look at Trump’s history with the black community and then look at Biden’s. (Hint: even Harris called Biden a racist). These are easy things to follow up on, otherwise you're voluntarily maintaining a state of propaganda victimhood.

It’s never a surprise just how uninformed some of the anti-trump crowd is.
You’re talking about the same guy who took out a full page ad calling for the death penalty for 5 Black and Latino teenagers, and maintained that stance after they were exonerated, right?

I’ll add that those of us refuting your arguments are posting the receipts.
Thanks. I'm really surprised by that video. I can't imagine why she goes with the airhead approach so often when she is capable of being coherent.
I don’t think anyone vying for POTUS who isn’t Dubya “tries” for that approach. And apparently, he did it to seem down-to-earth.

It’s possible that like everyone, she knows some things really well, and some things not-so-well. There is no way that one person will know everything, especially in questions where things change often. And POTUS candidates will have everything thrown at them, and their answers judged not just by the content of their answers, but that they would want to make sure that their answers don’t end up being memes.

Example: It’s bad enough if you’re giving a parachuted-in brief where you’re not the SME but people just throw you the notes and wish you luck. Now imagine that every word you say will be in public, with recording, and if you say anything stupid then it will be replayed endlessly. I know that I would seem like a very slow talker if I had to check my responses in my head, in real time, as I’m giving them.

So this may be a situation where the question was something she knows very well, and can speak to it easily off-the-cuff.