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You know you are past your expiriy date...

Strippers on Friday in the Jr's in Calgary
Female ones down stairs for the guys
Male ones up stair for the ladies
You have fond memories of the basement Tiffs in Hugey. Actually like Woodstock if you can remember a night in Tiffs you probably weren't there.

Laughing at Yanks on exercise carrying their little plastic rifles. No real soldier would be caught dead with a mattel toy.

You actually recognize a weapon you carried (I mean the actual one, serial number and all) on display in a museum.

You can (and do) perform a halt parade on a vehicle on display in the Canadian War Museum. (Not me  but someone on here and I have pics to prove it).

You're a display in said museum.

I fully admit to being past my prime. That would be the reason I pulled pole and now get to put (Ret'd) after my rank should I choose to do so (I don't). But as an old (we were in cadets together) friend put it better to be a has been than a never was. BTW ain't shaving off the moustache either.
-when you find a picture of yourself in a book entitled "A pictoral history of the Canadian Army"  (I forget the page number, but I'm in there!)
::) Hi can you tell me what your reference to O means? when you said " I start  :cdn: :cdn:repeating things in O groups?" Just curious cuz ive heard this in passing at other times..im not a member obviously but my son is. It would be great if you could spare a moment to fill me in. Thanks for your post it was funny. sincerely 3RCRmom  :yellow:
3RCRmom said:
::) Hi can you tell me what your reference to O means? when you said " I start  :cdn: :cdn:repeating things in O groups?" Just curious cuz ive heard this in passing at other times..im not a member obviously but my son is. It would be great if you could spare a moment to fill me in. Thanks for your post it was funny. sincerely 3RCRmom  :yellow:
"Orders" Group.  Part of the grouping system.  The Orders Group is technically a grouping of commanders and key staff.  Other groups include the Reconnaissance Group and the Reconnaissance Party.  Which brings me to my next point:

-you're past expiry date when you know the members of the O Group, the R Group and the R Party! :(
Technoviking said:
- You know what "Sassy's" and "Pizza Roma" was, and where they were
- You can't figure out how to take the liner out of the current issue helmet so you can use it as a wash basin

wait - it doesn't come out??

still reading through all the posts and am feeling just a bit old. I do remember the FN (great when the newbie complained about carrying the C7) and SMG, digging latrenes and cutting down trees to crouch over(supposed to be to crap in not set up a mg nest!), the ILTIS coming in (damn it actually had to clutch),  Green eggs and Ham Breakfast IMP, the mess tin for socks after they decided we shouldn't be eating from them, SNCO with pace stick in the field (used for smacking your ass down if you lifted it while stomache crawling), not standing in line for pay parade - doing the pay parade and telling people to shut their cake holes so we could hear the person in front of us ID themself (and closing the cash boxes when they didn't listen).  I also remember when leaders sent the troops through the food and pay lines first (Pte and Cpls first!!), rifles were kept in your locker and beer in your foot locker in the shack, "colourful" marching songs were encouraged (I wish that all the ladies...) and yes my old no longer used uniforms did out number my good uniforms until D9 took action (still have my ascot, wooly overcoat and a set of old combats that must have shrunk a lot  :-[). Smoking at my desk (when I was a smoker) and being ordered to the mess for a drink. 

Nice thing is I only feel a bit old as I see some really old ones here - putties?  Now that is old.  ;D
garb811 said:
Ahh...typewriters.  Counting the letters in a word, dividing by half and then backspacing that number to centre justify.  Then having some brainiac move to left justified as soon as computers became widespread.

Damn it - did you have to remind me?? 

Formatting Letters (internal and external), memos, minutes, Messages and actually remembering how instead of looking it up.
George Wallace said:
Riverview Arms


Canoe Factory

Hilltop Pub



Pioneer Club/Camelot


Blue Mountain/Greenwich Legion # 87  (Browns Corner)

I can remember when the Canoe Factory was actually a canoe factory!
George Wallace said:
Your Posting Message came off a teletype, not an email.

There are some people on this board who may have received it carved in a stone tablet.
Danjanou said:
You have fond memories of the basement Tiffs in Hugey. Actually like Woodstock if you can remember a night in Tiffs you probably weren't there.

Laughing at Yanks on exercise carrying their little plastic rifles. No real soldier would be caught dead with a mattel toy.

You actually recognize a weapon you carried (I mean the actual one, serial number and all) on display in a museum.

You can (and do) perform a halt parade on a vehicle on display in the Canadian War Museum. (Not me  but someone on here and I have pics to prove it).

You're a display in said museum.

I fully admit to being past my prime. That would be the reason I pulled pole and now get to put (Ret'd) after my rank should I choose to do so (I don't). But as an old (we were in cadets together) friend put it better to be a has been than a never was. BTW ain't shaving off the moustache either.

There is a display case for both you and Bill at the museum in Gagetown...... ;D
Geez I hope not together. I refuse to be associated with someone who

a) almost gets himself blowed up on bridge demo

b) manages to get a picture taken of said event

c) carries said picture around with him showing it to anyone who wants to see ( or not)

d) uses said picture and his sad tail to impress young MUN undergrads on Gerorge St


e) actually scores using said cheezy pick up line  and photo

Why couldn't there have been a photog present during the Aldershot Grenade incident? :'(
George Wallace said:
Your Posting Message came off a teletype, not an email.

You know you are old when you worked with teletype.
Message drafter? What's that? Oh! The private over there.  ;D
Danjanou said:
Geez I hope not together. I refuse to be associated with someone who

a) almost gets himself blowed up on bridge demo

b) manages to get a picture taken of said event

c) carries said picture around with him showing it to anyone who wants to see ( or not)

d) uses said picture and his sad tail to impress young MUN undergrads on Gerorge St


e) actually scores using said cheezy pick up line  and photo

Why couldn't there have been a photog present during the Aldershot Grenade incident? :'(

Nah I was separate cases for you guys..... complete with the "In Case of War Break Glass"......................

mariomike said:
I looked that up. I assume this is it?:

I believe he refers to an incident at LFAA TC DET ALDERSHOT vice Aldershot, UK or am I mistaken there James?
Yup circa 1981  and involving the AMA (LFCA)  SYEP Bn

SYEP Bn now there's a scary thought 4 actual companies in coveralls, cornflakes and old ammo boots.... and they gave them weapons ::o

BTW getting back on track here, you're past it when you can remember SYEP being called SSEAP