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You know you are past your expiriy date...

Some more pleasant reminders of being past my expiry date:

*RP4s - loved the canned pineapple, hated the Jambalaya, but lots of fun when thrown unopened into a fire
*3.5" rocket launcher, in two pieces
*dopey cravats in regimental colours, worn with work dress AND combats
*ponchos that doubled as shelters, in the days before rain suits
*four cans of beer fit just right in a '54(?) pattern ammo pouch
*having soldiers in your troop/platoon with WWII medals, in my case from both sides!
dapaterson said:
I worry about men that can find at a moment's notice naked pictures of Burt Reynolds.  Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Touchee!  The truth is a bit less exciting though, I think I just Googled "cheesy moustache" or "silly moustache" or something like that.
Kat Stevens said:
The old jeeps had a foot starter, the deuces had a hand starter on the shift tower.
You're correct...it was the 5 ton gassers that started with a foot switch...blame it on the grey matter getting greyer....there's already too much junk in there anyways!!        ;D
BYT Driver said:
You're correct...it was the 5 ton gassers that started with a foot switch...blame it on the grey matter getting greyer....there's already too much junk in there anyways!!        ;D

- 5th amd 6th gears were reversed betweem the 5 Ton Gassers and 5 Ton Diesels.
George Wallace said:
When Gate Guards were real Guards, not monuments.

When Centurions were tanks and not monuments.

When "Mexican Overdrive" was not a good thing.

When RCD Hill had a T-Junction at the bottom.

...and it caused a tremendous amount of pain waiting for the slower ones to catch up.....and down...up...and down... :threat:
the 48th regulator said:
-Lining up to get pay, with cash money.  One confused dimwit, with the lock box of cash and a paper with confused information.  Two MPs on either side (Always reg force) that had funny 13 year old moostashes, yet can stand at ease with such authority.
-Cigarette Lighter in vehicles
-Ashtrays in the mess
-PT with issued Green Running shoes, regimental T-Shirt and Shorts.  Started with the most Hungover guy, ordered to give the stretches, and the run staring with a few guys having to put out smokes.
-Going to the mess, before doing absolutely anything that involved non military involvement.
-Stressed about who will be the next Mess Association Prezzy.
Seems like this is my era...pay parades were on their way out when I was just a young-ling soldier....
It didn't pay to be the most hungover guy in Circus Battalion...you usually honked up or down RCD hill..    :blotto:
So, you know you're getting old when...you scratch your head because some newb is whining about getting good or bad wi-fi coverage for his internet on his laptop while attending BMQ in the MEGA    ???    :blotto:

In Cornwallis, my parents were lucky if they got two phone calls from the ONE pay phone in the barracks...and I lived in Halifax!  One to say I got there and one to invite them for my graduation.  :yellow:

My brother in law just went thru BMQ at 40 and told me it was a laugh! And he had a hard time dealing with the young idiots on is course.  I was 22 and Cornwallis nearly killed me.  Combat Arms platoon, after we got our FNs, we didn't know what walking was??!!

I'm sure I speak for some of the older ones here when I say... "WTF"  {I would have spelled it out for the really older ones, but I'm afraid it won't be PC and I'd offend someone}  Which again would be followed by a "WTF"

The old school guard keeps the new ones in line.  :piper:
The Starlight Scope was a piece of cutting edge technology straight out of Buck Rogers.
BYT Driver said:
...and it caused a tremendous amount of pain waiting for the slower ones to catch up.....and down...up...and down... :threat:

That's still the same today.  It's amazing how much it burns the thighs to run up it backwards, though.

Still, I'll take RCD Hill over the hill going into Meaford anyday!
Ohhh, that Meaford hill... I know it all too well. As a candidate on ISCC back in the day, and again running my candidates up and down it later on.
- When the Info Board at the Entrance to the Base QM was more likely to tell you what was "In Stock".
- Kit DAG for Africa consisted of a 2 Quart Canteen.
- Radios were "CAUTION: Two Man Lift" and located in the furthest spot away from the opening in the vehicle.
- Siphoning Fuel out of "Dead Heads" in the VOR was the normal way to fuel the one working vehicle.
- Dear John Letters were read over the Regt Admin Net during Fall Ex, by the Duty NCO back at the Unit over one of those "Two Man Lift" Radios that were part of the Duty Center.
- Smokers made fun of the Section non-Smoker and routinely "Hot Boxed" the Track, while listening to Hockey Night in Canada on the "Two Man Lift" Radio.
- The Section Cook actually cooked the Crew Served Meal, and not just boiled water for Rations.
- Loading the Section Weapons in your POMV during a Bug Out, as the Vault and Veh Park were on different ends of the Base.
- You consider an American Jacket Liner "Gucci Kit".
- A Boiling Vessel was urban legend unless you were in the Armoured Corps.

Kat Stevens said:
The Starlight Scope was a piece of cutting edge technology straight out of Buck Rogers.

And worked like a piece of shit.....you were better off using your normal night vision. We had a guy shoot a 2 ft high tree because he said he watched it creep forward to our listening post position....Amazing shot from the hip... ;D
GAP said:
And worked like a piece of shit.....you were better off using your normal night vision. We had a guy shoot a 2 ft high tree because he said he watched it creep forward to our listening post position....Amazing shot from the hip... ;D

LOL. I watched a skunk approach one night while I was on sentry --- the little shit approached, looked up at me, sniffed, walked over my combat boots ... and waddled away ... I walked away with happy thoughts that the outcome could have been much worse ... without LBD participating in the ex.  ;D
How about walking from the Kasserne to the Flugplatz on Schwartzwald Strasse, stopping at every gasthaus on the way for a Kleins bier.  I don't think we made it half way back before having to call a taxi.  Man there were a lot of Gasthaus's in Lahr.
Northalbertan said:
How about walking from the Kasserne to the Flugplatz on Schwartzwald Strasse, stopping at every gasthaus on the way for a Kleins bier.  I don't think we made it half way back before having to call a taxi.  Man there were a lot of Gasthaus's in Lahr.

The girls and price of biere in "The Bunker".
