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2024 BC Election

Living here, I share the sense that the province has crossed a line into failed state status with regards to drugs, violent crime, property crime, eco-anarchy, rapidly spreading poverty, atrocious public schools, perversion, homelessness and a weird blend of cultural Marxism that simply fuels it all. It has to stop.
You must live in an alternate BC timeline than I do. It should be obvious that things we have done created these problems, and some of those things could be undone, except for the ones for which the estimate is situated by "oh, we can't do that" by various not-one-step-back activists. Nevertheless it's not End Days here.
I never said it was End of Days here, plus many of us in the interior are ready for that anyway! I said it’s failed state, and it is certainly the case where the state hasn’t just failed- they have purposely adopted policies that undermine the security and safety of the population. Of course it’s reversible but time and money are not on the side of the next government.
I never said it was End of Days here, plus many of us in the interior are ready for that anyway! I said it’s failed state, and it is certainly the case where the state hasn’t just failed- they have purposely adopted policies that undermine the security and safety of the population. Of course it’s reversible but time and money are not on the side of the next government.
Well, interior and coastal BC (not to mention Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island) might as well be two different provinces…
Well we went from 3, 2 and now 4 candidates for my riding

Mitchell Baker Independent
Sam Chandola Conservative Party
Susie Chant BC NDP
Subhadarshi Tripathy BC Green Party
You must live in an alternate BC timeline than I do. It should be obvious that things we have done created these problems, and some of those things could be undone, except for the ones for which the estimate is situated by "oh, we can't do that" by various not-one-step-back activists. Nevertheless it's not End Days here.
To be fair, Bill C-69 has decimated resource projects in the North, Site C and LNG Canada (done under Harper era regs) are wrapping up with very little new job opportunities for people. Mills are closing, New mines are not coming on line, some are doing ok, others in long term care and maintenance. Life outside of Lower Mainland, Victoria and Kelowna is very different than the rest of the Province.

We have a bunch of workers who cut their teeth on site C and LNG Canada, now with experience and skills and that potentiel is going to whither away quickly.