I would totally agree with you if Trump or someone like him had gotten into power under false pretences and managed to do what he has done by surprise. Unfortunately Trump was voted into power after pretty much saying in advance exactly what he has managed to do so far…create chaos, inflict tariffs on many countries, bring Russia back into the fold, gut the government bureaucracy, end DEI, go after judges who he said were against him, etc. Although during the election he lied countless times and inflated facts and figures sometimes fantastically to support his claims, he was at least honest to his supporters about what he intended to do. The resulting election results reflected the confidence that the majority of Americans had in him.
I was born in the U.S., came to Canada many decades ago and still have some relatives living there, relatives who are very much Trump lovers if not outright fanatics. With tens of millions of people on both sides of the political divide there, the once great country to the south of us is being torn apart before our very eyes. As many others have previously said what’s happening now is basically the Civil War 2.0. I largely agree with them but am not 100% sure. Regardless, I cannot trust the American public to make decisions that are in the best interest of Canada, the world or even the United States itself.