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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Jarnhamar said:
crap like that isn't acceptable at all. I really liked Harper (except towards the end of his tenure) but the more I hear about this stuff the more pissed I get.

Laws are only made by people, i bet creative lawyers could get us out of it.
Lumber said:
I just vomited in my mouth a little.

This is too horrible to be entirely accurate (I hope). I will. Investigate further.

I know I wouldn't believe anything my Union put out so further investigation is probably warranted.
Text of FIPA is online at: https://www.international.gc.ca/trade-commerce/trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/agr-acc/china-chine/fipa-apie/index.aspx?lang=eng
Chief Engineer said:
Or the same China who have two Canadian Citizens under arrest for last few years on BS charges. We share the largest undefended border with the US, they are our biggest trading partner and militarily we are partners in Norad and Nato so why the hell not shouldn't we co-operate with them. Its not a perfect relationship but they are far from invading us or building islands off the coast. The same can't be said for China. You must have lots of Huawei stock don't you?

I'm not saying we shouldn't cooperate with them but I also don't think we should bend over for them either.  You do realize those 2 Canadians that are being held are because of the Meng issue that the US could end tomorrow if they wanted to don't you?

stellarpanther said:
I'm not saying we shouldn't cooperate with them but I also don't think we should bend over for them either.  You do realize those 2 Canadians that are being held are because of the Meng issue that the US could end tomorrow if they wanted to don't you?

Sorry it sounds like you are abdicating cooperation at the level of appeasement. The two Canadians are pawns because we are fulfilling our extradition obligations as would any country and China is trying to pressure us. Its not like Meng or Huawei is an innocent party either.  How about answering Halifax Tars questions?
Halifax Tar said:
You didnt answer, or maybe are not willing to answer, my clarifying question.  But I will as you another anyways.  Just so you're aware, it is the Liberals who get us into fights for the most part, Afghanistan included.  It was the Conservative's who got us out.

Now onto my question:

Is the US actually treating its Allies poorly ?  Or is the US simply fed up with propping up other countries monitarily and militarily; who then turn around and bash the hand the protects and feeds them ?  Why should the US look after other countries ?  Thats not alliance that is dependance.

I do believe the US is treating it's allies poorly and I don't believe they are not just propping us up.  It's not for the US to tell other countries how much of their GDP to spend, each country gets to decide on how to spend it's money.  If the US wasn't going around the world sticking it's nose into everything there we would have less problems.  You know as well as I do that MANY people feel that way.
stellarpanther said:
  You know as well as I do that MANY people feel that way.

Your frequent use of this approach undermines the validity of your argument....and makes you sound quite Trumpian.

Many people think the Earth is flat
Many people think Elvis is alive
Many people think Obama was born in Kenya
Many people think that statements made in support of an argument do not have to be rooted in fact.
Many people think that invoking the thoughts of many people makes their argument stronger.

All of those people are demonstrably wrong.
stellarpanther said:
I do believe the US is treating it's allies poorly and I don't believe they are not just propping us up.  It's not for the US to tell other countries how much of their GDP to spend, each country gets to decide on how to spend it's money.  If the US wasn't going around the world sticking it's nose into everything there we would have less problems.  You know as well as I do that MANY people feel that way.

So you rather the US pay for everything while everyone else including us has a free lunch?
stellarpanther said:
I do believe the US is treating it's allies poorly and I don't believe they are not just propping us up. It's not for the US to tell other countries how much of their GDP to spend, each country gets to decide on how to spend it's money.  If the US wasn't going around the world sticking it's nose into everything there we would have less problems.  You know as well as I do that MANY people feel that way.

It's silly to think the US isn't going to want a say in how their money gets spent when these countries are begging the US for protection and money and equipment and training.

The Liberal government is doing the same with CERB and the provinces.

Stellerpanther, if the US pulled all their forces back to a level say what Canada is currently doing and committing to what do you think will happen? All the US is doing is asking for the rest of their allied countries to pay their fair share.
PPCLI Guy said:
Your frequent use of this approach undermines the validity of your argument....and makes you sound quite Trumpian.

Many people think the Earth is flat
Many people think Elvis is alive
Many people think Obama was born in Kenya
Many people think that statements made in support of an argument do not have to be rooted in fact.
Many people think that invoking the thoughts of many people makes their argument stronger.

All of those people are demonstrably wrong.

Maybe it does but I'm saying it because most of people probably here or at least the majority that are posting are clearly to the right when it comes to politics.  I'm starting to find it annoying when I post something and then someone else posts back with something sarcastic and then someone else awards mil points it begins to piss me off.

Chief Engineer said:
Sorry it sounds like you are abdicating cooperation at the level of appeasement. The two Canadians are pawns because we are fulfilling our extradition obligations as would any country and China is trying to pressure us. Its not like Meng or Huawei is an innocent party either.  How about answering Halifax Tars questions?

The Canada China relationship began to sour with the Meng issue which is really just another thing Trump is doing to try to stir up shit.  Unfortunately we caught put in the middle of it.  I don't look at is as appeasement.  The US likes to act as a bully around the world and really that's all that needs to be said.  If I don't say it as articulately as others or don't provide enough details sorry but it's my educated opinion.
stellarpanther said:
I do believe the US is treating it's allies poorly and I don't believe they are not just propping us up.  It's not for the US to tell other countries how much of their GDP to spend, each country gets to decide on how to spend it's money. If the US wasn't going around the world sticking it's nose into everything there we would have less problems. You know as well as I do that MANY people feel that way.

Your ignorance of geopolitics laid bare for all to see.

I don't personally feel that China should be our enemy purely because I view our relationship with them as transactional.  I also view it as foolish to pick a fight you cant hope to win with a superior force.  That's not being weak, that's just common sense.  Whether we like it or not, China is a peer competitor with the United States and should be recognized and treated as such.

However, also know though that we are divided by the World's largest body of water and we have plenty of other Countries on China's side of the World that also have interests that align with ours.  So we can afford to use additional brinksmanship when dealing with China.  It also makes sense to not do anything with them that undermines our relationship with the other very powerful Country that exists right next door to us.

Likewise, whether you personally like it or not, we live beside the most powerful Country in the World.  Just that fact alone necessitates we develop an incredibly close working relationship with that Country, it's also a bonus that many/most of our interests are also mutually exclusive.  It also dictates that we must align with this Country on many issues or face consequences. Again, that's just smart politics and sensible strategy.

I personally view Russia as a bigger immediate threat than China. Unlike China which has shown a willingness to want to at least be part of the International System, Russia is a Rogue State that is strong and uses that strength to act like a real destabilizing force in the World.  They have shown that they have the ability to undermine our interests and should be challenged because of it.

stellarpanther said:
Maybe it does but I'm saying it because most of people probably here or at least the majority that are posting are clearly to the right when it comes to politics.  I'm starting to find it annoying when I post something and then someone else posts back with something sarcastic and then someone else awards mil points it begins to piss me off.

I disagree, I have several acquaintance's that have left the site because it was more left then right.  As someone who leans to the right, I find the site has enough 'left' in it to keep me grounded and informed so I don't go off sounding like an airhead.  I like to be corrected, and/or debated.  Sometimes I'm even right.....
Humphrey Bogart said:
Your ignorance of geopolitics laid bare for all to see.

I don't personally feel that China should be our enemy purely because I view our relationship with them as transactional.  I also view it as foolish to pick a fight you cant hope to win with a superior force.  That's not being weak, that's just common sense.  Whether we like it or not, China is a peer competitor with the United States and should be recognized and treated as such.

I also know though that we are divided by the World's largest body of water and we have plenty of other Countries on China's side of the World that also have interests that align with ours.  So we can afford to use additional brinksmanship when dealing with China.  It also makes sense to not do anything with them that undermines our relationship with the other very powerful Country that exists right next door to us.

Likewise, whether you personally like it or not, we live beside the most powerful Country in the World.  Just that fact alone necessitates we develop an incredibly close working relationship with that Country, it's also a bonus that many/most of our interests are also mutually exclusive.  It also dictates that we must align with this Country on many issues or face consequences. Again, that's just smart politics and sensible strategy.

I personally view Russia as a bigger immediate threat than China. Unlike China which has shown a willingness to want to at least be part of the International System, Russia is a Rogue State that is strong uses that strength to act like a real destabilizing force in the World.  They have shown that they have the ability to undermine our interests and should be challenged because of it.

I guess you'd be surprised to learn that I have a degree in Political Science.  You are entitled to your opinion but it's just that an opinion.  What are your qualifications to make your statement other than you disagree with what you've said and other have said? 

stellarpanther said:
I guess you'd be surprised to learn that I have a degree in Political Science.  You are entitled to your opinion but it's just that an opinion.  What are your qualifications to make your statement other than you disagree with what you've said and other have said? 

He's been outside of Ottawa?? :whistle:
Humphrey Bogart said:
Your ignorance of geopolitics laid bare for all to see.

I don't personally feel that China should be our enemy purely because I view our relationship with them as transactional.  I also view it as foolish to pick a fight you cant hope to win with a superior force.  That's not being weak, that's just common sense.  Whether we like it or not, China is a peer competitor with the United States and should be recognized and treated as such.

However, also know though that we are divided by the World's largest body of water and we have plenty of other Countries on China's side of the World that also have interests that align with ours.  So we can afford to use additional brinksmanship when dealing with China.  It also makes sense to not do anything with them that undermines our relationship with the other very powerful Country that exists right next door to us.

Likewise, whether you personally like it or not, we live beside the most powerful Country in the World.  Just that fact alone necessitates we develop an incredibly close working relationship with that Country, it's also a bonus that many/most of our interests are also mutually exclusive.  It also dictates that we must align with this Country on many issues or face consequences. Again, that's just smart politics and sensible strategy.

I personally view Russia as a bigger immediate threat than China. Unlike China which has shown a willingness to want to at least be part of the International System, Russia is a Rogue State that is strong and uses that strength to act like a real destabilizing force in the World.  They have shown that they have the ability to undermine our interests and should be challenged because of it.

- Do you think it was acceptable for Trump to renegotiate NAFTA and when it wasn't moving fast enough, impose tariff's?
- Is it acceptable for the Trump to threaten other countries with Tariff's if they don't increase spending in NATO?
- Is it acceptable for a close ally to threaten private companies and basically force them to close up in allied countries putting people out of work.

The fact is the US bullies countries and with Trump the level has greatly increased.  If anyone disagrees with this they are the ones who are truly ignorant in global affairs. 

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