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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Agreement between WE and federal government set aside only $500 million for student grants: documents
Program given a $900 million budget — but only $500 million earmarked for grants


Phantom $400 million? Maybe it was a typo.
Jarnhamar said:
Agreement between WE and federal government set aside only $500 million for student grants: documents
Program given a $900 million budget — but only $500 million earmarked for grants


Phantom $400 million? Maybe it was a typo.

unfortunately probably not a typo. Toronto real estate isn't cheap
Rifleman62 said:

WE Charity contract called for Ottawa to pay $33-million in administration fees in its first weeks G & M - 27 Jul 20

The deal that WE Charity struck with the federal government allowed it to collect the fee for administering the Canada Student Service Grant within one week of the Trudeau Liberals announcing the group would run the new program.


The Libranos: WE HAVE A WINNER - July 27, 2020
Librano math: How the hell does a contract originally claimed to be worth $19-million by the Trudeau government get an advanced payment of $33-million?


I used to see those kind of advanced payments issued so that teeny tiny little not for profits who had great programs, but needed enough to hire an office person and an intake worker to get the ball rolling.

Global enterprises? Not so much...

Cant find it now but I thought I read some where WE already accepted millions. In the first week they were "picked".

See reply 304 and the captioned article.  The WE brothers are also scheduled to testify before the Finance Committee ahead of the PM and his COS, Katie Telford. Let's see who throws who under the bus.
Haggis said:
See reply 304 and the captioned article.  The WE brothers are also scheduled to testify before the Finance Committee ahead of the PM and his COS, Katie Telford. Let's see who throws who under the bus.

I mean, its hard to argue that WE didn't know the program was going to be created: Wernick from PCO testified he got a detailed unsolicited proposal the day the program was announced. Depending on the detail, that implies it was something that would take multiple days to put together if it was a proper proposal. You don't just throw a plan for a $1B CAD program onto a bar napkin in an hour if you actually want to run it.
Wernick is a she at ESDC.  Plenty of problems without getting the facts wrong.
dapaterson said:
Wernick is a she at ESDC.  Plenty of problems without getting the facts wrong.

Got confused with the Michael Wernick from PCO. Hard to keep straight how many public servants the Liberals are willing to throw under the bus after their union campaigned for them for the last decade.
WE Charity's plan to pay teachers to recruit students for grant program posed ethical dilemma for some

The professional code of conduct for teachers varies around the country, but in many places it appears the proposed $12,000 payments would violate the code

A proposal by WE Charity to pay teachers $12,000 for recruiting student volunteers into the Canada Student Service Grant program would have put many teachers in violation of their professional code of conduct, experts say.

But even though the grant program is now being run by the federal government instead of WE, it’s unclear whether the $12,000 payments might still happen. A week after the National Post asked Employment and Social Development Canada if the teacher payments are happening, the department still hasn’t answered.

“It’s at the very least a moral conflict of interest, but it’s also in violation of many elementary (ethics) rules,” said Marc Boudreau, a labour lawyer and partner at Quebec firm Marceau Boudreau. “The question is: ‘Does the teacher have a personal interest in this situation?’ And the answer is yes, $12,000.”

“Absolutely there is a conflict of interest for teachers,” said Gilles LeVasseur, a law professor at the University of Ottawa. “If you recruited people as a teacher…and you never say ‘I’m doing it on a personal basis,’ you open yourself to disciplinary measures when there’s a violation of the code of conduct.”

Any predictions on how the PM and his COS will conduct themselves before the Finance Committee?

Combative or contrite?
Forthright or evasive?
Conciliatory or condescending?
Evasive and condescending, as per their question period and media relations SOP.
Haggis said:
Any predictions on how the PM and his COS will conduct themselves before the Finance Committee?

Combative or contrite?
Forthright or evasive?
Conciliatory or condescending?

Did I know it was breaking the rules? Well children are important and because of climate change they're at risk. The conservatives wouldn't have got the CERB out so fast so we wanted to get money in kids hand for their volunteer work.


WE's history with Beijing, from endorsements in People's Daily to appearances at Chinese embassy

WE flatly denies having become cozy with Beijing authorities, or that China’s abysmal human-rights record calls into question its involvement in the country
Jarnhamar said:
Did I know it was breaking the rules? Well children are important and because of climate change they're at risk. The conservatives wouldn't have got the CERB out so fast so we wanted to get money in kids hand for their volunteer work.

Expected reply: "We note how you use the words "money" and "volunteer" in the same sentence, Prime Minister. The glaring incongruity of your statement is astounding."
“Paid to volunteer” remains one of the oxyest of oxymorons...but hey, it’s 2020!


Earlier in the day, the former chair of the WE Charity board of directors told MPs on the Commons finance committee this afternoon that the board was told that speakers were not being paid for appearing at WE Day events — even though WE later confirmed that its for-profit arm had paid Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's mother and brother thousands of dollars for speaking at such events.

"The WE Charity board always understood that speakers were not paid by the charity or the related organizations to speak at WE Day. The board made direct inquiries on this issue," said Michelle Douglas, who worked at WE Charity for 15 years. 

WE Charity confirmed earlier this month that Prime Minister Trudeau's mother Margaret was paid about $250,000 for speaking at 28 events by Me to WE, the charity's for-profit arm, while his brother Alexandre spoke at eight events and received about $32,000.

Past guest speakers for these WE events were told they don't get paid for speaking.
The chair of WE Charity’s board of directors asked if guest speakers were paid and was told no.
Somehow  Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau, Margaret Trudeau and Alexandre Trudeau were all paid.

I'm comfortable chalking that up to an accident. Some kind of clerical error. Well, 37 clerical errors.
Jarnhamar said:

Past guest speakers for these WE events were told they don't get paid for speaking.
The chair of WE Charity’s board of directors asked if guest speakers were paid and was told no.
Somehow  Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau, Margaret Trudeau and Alexandre Trudeau were all paid.

I'm comfortable chalking that up to an accident. Some kind of clerical error. Well, 37 clerical errors.

Come on Jarn, the explanation was simple.  The speaking part wasn’t paid for.  They got paid for ancillary events before and after.  Speaking was all pro bono...

This thing gets worse and worse....
[quote author=Remius]

This thing gets worse and worse....

Like paying half a million for US political consultants and a hiring private investigation firm to dig up dirt on journalists being critical of them?

PPCLI Guy said:
I just hope that the CPC can sort out their crap, and fast.....

I agree but when the bill for all that Covid money and other spending comes due eventually, that will take them down I wager.
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