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Navymich's story

Thank you very much to those that send such lovely PMs wishing me the best in my situation with my dogs.  From your mouth to someone's ears, that's for sure! 

My final choice, as mentioned, would have been the SPCA, but knowing that it might turn out to that, I called them again and set up to bring in my dogs Monday night if nothing else panned out.  They asked that I ensure the dogs' shots were up-to-date.  I then scrambled to find an open, and not busy, vet to do that this afternoon.  No luck.  I called the local 24 hr pet hospital and explained the situation.  They said that if I didn't mind waiting, as I would not be an urgent case, I was welcome to come down.  Not bad of a wait, only a couple hours. 

And the best part?  When I was finished, a Vet assistant came up to me, said my story had circulated through the clinic and she would like to foster my dogs!  My dogs will be going to meet her dog tomorrow, and if all goes well, my dogs have a new temporary home as of Tue night.  :D

The moral of this story?  Never give up on a dream, or on what means alot to you.
Having 2 cats my self, I'm really happy for yours 2 dogs and you :)
Today is packing day.  Yes, there are horror stories out there about people being moved.  But still, it's nice to be spoiled and have it all done for you.  Just sit back and watch (watch closely mind you..lol).  It is odd though seeing everything packed up and knowing that it is going into storage for at least 4 months.  No quick trip down the highway to a new home right away.  It certainly puts a different perspective on all of your "stuff" when you realize what you can do without for a long time.  I think my 8 year old was able to decide better then me what to take and what to store!  :D

Not that I was changing my mind anyway, but there are always those thoughts about "change".  Guess I can't really back down now! I'm already getting anxious about settling in somewhere though.  Come on May!  Although hopefully *fingers crossed* I find out before then where they are planning on posting me.
Navymich, I mean Airmich, you & my brother are going exactly along the same lines in regards to both your CT's! Sean, my bro has his packing day today, then he's on leave (driving here to Sept Iles from Quebec City to spend the holidays). His report date 03 Jan at CFSME Gagetown....Must be a CTthing from-NavRes-toAirforce thing; never saw it in my 24 years in the army......... ;D
Gerry, it is an interesting thing.  I don't know about elsewhere, but it has become quite common out here on the West Coast especially in the last 3-6 months, of NavRes people putting in CT's.  I recall discussing this in another thread, about the number of transfers in progress, and the number that have taken effect too.  Even at my current unit, there have been 1/2 dozen just this fall.  The career managers were in town the day I enrolled Reg Force and if my appointment for him wasn't the exact same time that I was due at CFRC, I would have showed up just to find out what his intentions for me were!  LOL   I'd love to be a fly on the wall at NavResHQ as this all starts sinking in with them, how short manned they are going to get.  I'm sure your brother has some interesting stories too.
Just goes to show, you can never let down your guard.  I was just saying to a couple of friends yesterday that it was nice to finally breathe easier and relax a bit.  My place is all packed up, the cleaners will be coming in while I'm on leave, today was my last day at work, time to just take it easy.  And then Mother Nature hits Vancouver Island with a doozy of a windstorm last night (it was clocked at one point with gusts at 150 km/h).  I first heard it at 3am with a loud crash outside my window.  The crash was my metal shed being uprooted and finding a new home on the front corner of my truck!  I raced outside, put the truck down the street and then spent the next couple of hours listening to the shed first being tossed unto it's roof, and then finally being wedged against the house and then just rocking back and forth.  So much for the neighbour that had been going to buy the shed from me! 

Got home a bit ago to finally see everything in daylight.  Here are some pics. The opening in the fence near the shed was where it originally was, with the door facing the driveway.  Luckily there were only a few scratches and rubs on the hood and bumper of my truck. 

ouch!....must be murphy's law Michelle:.. 'Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time'...hang in there!
"For Sale.  Well used and durable metal shed.  Already broken in."
;D ;D ;D
BYT Driver said:
"For Sale.  Well used and durable metal shed.  Already broken in."

"And I'll take $10 off the asking price because it's 10 feet closer to where you're taking it!"  ;D
Today it's a broken shed, tomorrow it's the Gillette razor blade (or the new model Kia).  Sorry Mich, that bites.  1 800 junk comes to mind...LOL
Yes you're allowed BYT.  Not much else I can do but laugh about it now.  Just hurts, that I lose out on the sale of it and then have to dispose of it too.  I'm becoming quite the tourist attraction in the neighbourhood though.  Everyone is slowing down to look.

I've got a nice bunch of friends too.  One of them told me earlier today that he is going to get a group of them together and they are going to tear it down for me while I'm away on leave and put it in a nice manageable pile for me.  And niner,  1-800-GOT-JUNK is great!  I used them just this past Tue (thank goodness for that, or all of that would have blown all over too!).  Great prices and they gave me a coupon for my next use.  There's some money saved at least.
When I was doing my release from the reserves, I got the basic/generic certificate of service, but was told that due to my time in and rank, that I would receive another one as well.  Just got it in the mail today.  Very nice!  It is about twice as the regular certificate and came with a "Service Pin" as the letter called it.  I've never seen or heard of that before.  Had to laugh at the enclosed letter, as it wishes me a "happy and fulfilling retirement".  Oh wait, I'm Air Force now, that's gotta be close to what retirement is like.  ;D

Heck I would be happy to get a "Certificate of Re-Enrolement to the Reg's"  :blotto:

Nice addition to the ILM Wall though!
Hey Michelle, I recieved the same one with my 24+plus reg service ( sent it back 'cause they spelt my name wrong  ::) ); Sean, my bro is still waiting for his cert. for his 17 years ogf reserve service...suppose to be in the mail...
The New Year is upon us.  Many sit and contemplate their resolutions, whether making them still, or realizing that they have already broken them.  If I started compiling resolutions for the year, I would have quite a list.  Instead, I’m focusing on reflections of the year past.  If you have read this thread of mine, you’ll know a lot of what I have gone through this past year.  Close friends know more details of course, but suffice to say, 2006 was quite a year for me.  Towards the end, it was hard to not want to curl up in a corner.  But others have been in worse situations, others have less then me, and still the world carries on.  I still have a roof over my head, food to eat, a paycheque (well, once I’m in the system, but at least it’s still money even if it’s manual payments!) and friends.  And it is those many friends that have helped me through this past year, and as I reflect, I’d like to take a moment to thank them; well, the friends that are from this great site anyway, for this is where it all started.  (think of it as my acceptance speech for my transfer.  Just don’t boo me off the stage if I go over my 5 minutes. :D)

P, you’ve been there since the beginning of it all.  You answered endless questions about trades and bases and training.  And you’re still a great one to throw some OJT at me out of nowhere.  D and D (no, not DND ::)), glad to have made both of your acquaintances, one through the other.  The laughs and jokes and bashing, all made for good times. and surprisingly enough, some common sense to pass on to me when mine was sorely lacking. B, you are an amazing person, and I am proud to call you a friend.  Helping me dig through the manure to find the roses, and putting one foot in front of the other.  But don’t get off that rollercoaster yet!  And then came K.  Not the best of times when we met, but what doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger, right?  M, always there with a smile and a kind word.  G, what can I say.  You were a source for information on transfers and trades, providing me links and details.  You gave me the push when I needed it to keep trying and never giving up.  You believed in me, and made me believe more in myself.  Never say never.  And V, how could I forget you!  The numerous PMs that you patiently responded to as I assimilated to my new environment.  And close to the end, C.  The calming presence as everything seemed to come to a boil. A friend to help slow down the world when time was flying past.  Short but sweet. 

I know there are many, many more who have been a part of my life this year.  And though you were not mentioned specifically, please know that I appreciate all of you, for the good and the bad, for the smiles and the frowns, for the wisdom you’ve passed on.  For we learn from it all, and everyone is in our life for a reason.  Embrace your life to the fullest, enjoy your life for what you have and above all else, enjoy you.  I have decided that my new year starts this Saturday.  That is when I step on the plane, leaving everything else behind, to start my new life.  Anxious and excited, and scared as heck sometimes too, but embracing change.

And though this thread started out as my recruiting/transfer story, don’t think you’ll get rid of me that easily now that the transfer is complete!!  I’m sure there will still be trials and tribulations of my transfer as I learn to put my PO attitude away, and shut my mouth when needed, and keep the navy speak to a minimum.  How’s that betting pool going by the way?? ;)

Happy New Year to my friends and “family” of army.ca.  :salute: